Another Day In Biden’s America – Thanks, You Liberal Morons

WARNING: more swearing than usual in this rant

Boy, what a day!

11:17am: No gas to be had at the Circle-K/Valero at the corner of Key and 190. This happens pretty much every day now, but usually later in the day.

11:24am: Drive up to Stripes – they have gas, but the cheapest grade is $2.76 per gallon (I paid $1.90 back in January – a 45% increase in six months)

11:45am: Call buddy in Round Rock to talk. He mentions his family tried to order pizza for delivery last night, but 600 Degree Pizza was unable to deliver…because they are out of boxes and can’t get any more.

1:15pm: Mention the pizza story to a friend in town here and she tells me Mojo’s Coffee is offering double stamps if you bring your own cup there to be filled – since they are running out of cups.

1:30pm: Picked up a Radiogram and front page tells me that there is a “FIREWORKS SHORTAGE!” – and the fireworks you CAN get are going to be FAR more expensive.

1:45pm: Head over to Wal-Mart and notice as I drive by that THEY are out of gas as well.

What is this? The fucking 1970s? Is that asshole Carter back in the White House? No, we have something FAR worse – Biden and a gaggle of socialist retards cheering him on.

We are turning into the old Soviet Union. Shortages, lowered quality of life, and a bungling and intrusive government that wants even MORE power. Shitheads like Clayton Tucker and Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris aren’t happy that America is only halfway ruined. They want to ruin it the rest of the way. They want to let the fucking idiots in DC to get their hands on EVERYTHING: ALL the health care, ALL of the housing market, ALL of the transportation industry and ALL of the energy sector (Green New Deal).

We have tens of millions of lazy pussies STILL sitting at home not paying rent. The governor of California says “that’s ok, we’ll extend that moratorium and the STATE will pay the landlords for the lost revenue“.

Where does California get all that money? From Biden, of course! The rest of us get to pay for California’s idiocy.

The entire country has lost their fucking minds. It’s very easy to see what the problem is (too much free shit) and very easy to fix (stop the free shit). But moron liberals are having none of it. They will not be happy until we are a third-world shit hole like Venezuela, Cuba or Haiti, apparently.