My Proprietary “Nutsack Index” Forecast at 96.5% Today.

My sack never lies. The degree to which it is sticking to my leg gives me a solid indication of how useless the billions of dollars in pinwheels will be today.

And from the way it was acting this morning while loading my piece of shit mower onto my trailer before it was even 9am, today is going to see about 97% of the state’s $83 billion in wind power sit useless, once again.

Let’s see how accurate the index is today….

Bam! Spot on.

Forty BILLION Dollars Of Subsidized Pinwheels Sit Idle AGAIN Today

I guess the wind DOESN’T always blow, eh Comrade Clayton?

It sure didn’t blow today…or yesterday. Or the day before that. Wind is providing about half a gigawatt in a state that needs 74 gigawatts today – or about 0.6% of our needs…

Texas has roughly 13,000 pinwheels at a cost of about $3 million each. The annual upkeep on EACH of those is about $50,000 per year – or ANOTHER $650 million down the tube annually ($1.8 million per day).

Oh – and EACH pinwheel needs 30,000 TONS of cement for the foundation! What’s that work out to…like half a billion tons of cement, or something?

Did I mention the blades need replacing every 25 years and end up getting buried in landfills? How sustainable!

This is what happens when shitheads are in charge of a nation’s energy supply.

All of that is highly subsidized by the taxpayer – because “sustainable” energy cannot stand on its own two feet without massive government intervention.