Idiots Running The Pool Make Final Display Of Incompetence and Laziness As Pool Season Ends.

Well, as pool seasons go, this one gets an F. The only season that was WORSE was when former low-IQ mayor Talbert closed the pool entirely for a cold virus back in 2020.

There were plenty of closures this year and times I was at the pool and there were NO lifeguards at all in two of the chairs (deep end and mid-depth area). No big deal – just little kids in the deep end with ZERO lifeguards stationed. If it’s ok to open the pool with no lifeguards, then let’s get rid of them altogether. I’m fine with that. Post a “swim at your own risk” and be done with it, if you can’t get your shit together.

Clearly, Finley has zero interest or ability in getting things right over there…

Between noon and 12:40pm on a Wednesday – can’t be bothered posting lifeguards.

While chairs sat empty, ‘lifeguards’ sat yapping the twiddling their thumbs. No intervention from ‘management’….

All around laziness, incompetence and failure to get their shit together. Blame falls squarely on former YMCA Director DeGraffenreid and some boob named Sundae Hein.

Last week, they even decided to cancel a movie night FOUR days in advance because of “inclement weather”!

As you can see, one wise local commented that there was no way to know what the weather would be that far out. She was right – Saturday ended up being a perfectly nice evening.

Oh well – just more shitty management by our $208,000 man DeGraffenreid! He’ll be gone next pool season, so my guess is it’ll only get better from here.

FUN FACT: the Hannah pool was only open a grand total of 36 days this entire season. Yes, that’s right: a GIANT investment like the City pool is closed 90% of the year.