Math Trumps Your “Feelings”

Time for a gut check on ACTUAL RISK of dying from Covid. Nothing is more ridiculous than reading these pearl-clutching women on Facebook (**cough**Julie Landrum**cough**) get hysterical over “my best friend’s sister’s husband’s mom” died of Covid at 49 years old and she was super healthy!”

That is called an “anecdote”, assuming you can even believe it. Your (likely false) anecdote is meaningless in the big picture.

What are YOUR odds of dying from Covid? New pre-print from John Ioannidis (most cited living scientist alive). He charted comparable odds.

If you’re under 50 you have a better chance of dying from drowning, choking on food, sunstroke or dying from a sharp object.

This is MATH. These are FACTS. Your ‘feelings’ don’t enter into it. Pull your head out and get a grip.