Canadian Insanity Coming To U.S. Soon.

This is what we have to look forward to if Biden is installed as president again next year….

Jason James writes…

I don’t think most Canadians understand how close we are to the point of no return.

We have a tax on carbon dioxide: a gas that occurs naturally in our ecosystems as a basic function of life on our planet. All of our cheapest and most efficient energy sources produce carbon dioxide. We do not have access to any other energy source (other than nuclear) that can power our country reliably and affordably. We require a certain amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere to sustain life on our planet. It is essential to our survival. A tax on carbon dioxide means increased costs of food, mobility, heat and electricity. We are literally being priced out of our right to live.

We have introduced price controls on food as a consequence of the carbon taxes. Grocery CEO’s have warned that these policies will result in higher prices and will have the opposite of the intended effect. Venezuela introduced price controls, which also backfired, and forced Hugo Chavez to nationalize the food supply, which in turn caused massive shortages.

We have laws that allow censorship of our primary information source (the internet). Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Mao and virtually every other dictator since the invention of the printing press censored the distribution of information. It is a linchpin in the tactics oppressive regimes use to control their populace.

We are at the end of the road. This is it. Leftist Liberal cheerleaders will say these are all conspiracy theories- but they aren’t. This is actually happening. They would just rather comply because they’re too cowardly to fight for their own right to exist. Those of us who aren’t afraid to stand up have become the right wing- which is an accurate description because everything outside of that extreme leftist cult is conservative by comparison.