Mike Cour and Eco-Strong are the turds that just won’t get buried. For some reason, the idiots at the LEDC think this scumbag is a legit prospect and cannot wait to hand the taxpayers’ money to him – despite the fact he is selling HIS OWN 199.93 acres for $5.95 million. The property he is selling is literally RIGHT DOWN THE ROAD from the Business Pork project (he is at 15500 S Hwy 183):

Just to recap:
#1 For the last few years, Mike Cour owned 199 acres literally right down the street from the LEDC Business Pork. He runs what appears to be a failing “Equine care” facility there.
#2 That is MUCH more acreage than the Business Pork land (199 acres versus 150 acres). Yet back in 2020, he didn’t want to use his OWN land for his genius business idea of turning old tires into other other garbage (Eco-Strong).
#3 Instead, Mike Cour and”Eco-Strong” tried to grab $1.85 MILLION in taxpayer funds back in 2020 – INCLUDING five acres of land in the “business park”!! Here is a screen shot from his shitty Power Point packet he gave to the LEDC:

So the guy sitting on 200 acres and a supposedly “can’t miss, brilliant business idea” went with his hat in hand to try and bilk the LEDC out of 5 acres of land AND another $1.75 million to basically pay for the entire thing for him.
Wow – what a deal! The taxpayers take all the risk, and if it pays off, scumbag Mike Cour gets the payout!
As a reminder, Mike Cour was ALSO previously tangled up in Triton Financial a few years back. Triton was sued for fraud and Mike Cour is listed as a defendant:

Sounds like a GREAT guy to get in business with!
So Mike Cour is about to pocket almost $6 million for selling his land on Highway 183 for nearly $30,000 per acre, and he is STILL slutting around the LEDC and angling for some kind of hand out? That’s how it looks from the latest LEDC packet (see page 11)
Eco-Strong has supposedly rented that brand new warehouse over on Pecan Street just south of Brown’s Feed:

I just happened to be over there the other day and took a few photos. It’s definitely the Eco-Turd product out back there:

According to the LEDC packets, Eco-Strong is “temporarily manufacturing and shipping from their warehouse on Pecan Street“. I can tell you that at least half of that statement is complete horseshit. There is ZERO manufacturing going on there. The inside of the warehouse doesn’t even look complete yet.
Also funny that Eco-Turd hasn’t changed their official “headquarters” address yet on ANY of their Internet sites:

My SUSPICION (and this is not fact, just my guess) is this: Cour will pocket that money he made from the land sale (minus any liens he has on it), he will then rent this warehouse for a year to look “legit”, and at the end of the year when the Business Pork is supposed to be JUST getting finished, he will AGAIN go to the LEDC and try to get a bunch of free shit – including FREE LAND just down the street from his OWN LAND that he just sold for $29,900 per acre!
My opinion is that the ludicrous overpriced-land boom has bailed this asshole out of his crappy Equicare biz and allowed him some breathing room while he tries to scam the LEDC again. Again, this is my opinion – not fact. Only time well tell if I’m correct.
It also proves AGAIN that the best move the LEDC could have made is to sell their shitty 150 acres for around $4.5 million and be done with it. After all, that’s what EVERYONE around here with any big chunks of land is doing right now: just sticking it up the ass of these morons dumb enough to pay $30k per acre.
While I love the idea of libtarded Austinites getting face-raped at these prices, I detest the idea of those same libtards overrunning this town.
The final irony will be when Cour’s 200 acres is chopped into a 400-house subdivision, thus giving us the exact same pile of houses that Talbert says was a bad way to go with the Business Pork land in the first place.
Irony and stupidity abound. Mike Cour and the LEDC are right smack in the middle of all of it.
More to come on Mike Cour and Alan Champagne and and all their lies.