He’ll be getting a “soar” throat from his husband tonight, I betcha!!

What Grady “Pass the Man Gravy” Lucas doesn’t understand is that you can indict a ham sandwich if you want to. Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell. But let him have his moment, I guess.

Funnier still are the fucking losers who are “friends” with Man Gravy Grady – like this dildo Scott Marflake. A bunch of hardos and clowns who have left shithole states like Ohio, freely moved to awesome states like Florida but then go on and on about how Ron Desantis is a “Nazi”.
Hilarious to me how all the scumbags complain about Florida and Texas but continue to live there. Kinda like Comrade Clayton.

Look at this retard. Guarantee you he’s the kind of guy who has 150 “friends” on Facebook who are all young girls who had the misfortune of bartending for him one time after which he stalked and “friended” them.