Tim Walz: Socialist, Muslim-Loving Nut-Job. No Wonder Clayton Tucker Loves Him.

Well, Que Mala! has selected the absolute worst pick in the world, if you are someone who loves America, the free market, secure borders and the Constitution.

But if you are an envious, communist loser who still lives with mom at age 33 and have no real employment, Tim Walz is the second coming of Jesus!

You see, Clayton Tucker thinks HE TOO is a ‘rural dude’ who was a ‘former teacher’! Except Comrade Clayton actually grew up in Georgetown, which is hardly ‘rural’ and he only babysat some Chinese kindergarteners for 9 months about 11 years ago as his “teaching” experience. But why let facts get in the way of his bullshit ‘rural working man’ persona, right?

Comrade Clayton is also ecstatic that Tim is “in Ag”! You see, Tim held a pig once. Clearly he is a farmer or rancher, by Comrade Clayton logic. Comrade Clayton holds goats for photos sometimes – ergo, HE TOO is a farmer or rancher! They’re the SAME!

I don’t think Clayton Tucker has had this big of a boner since he and O’Rourke had their fingers up each others’ assholes in this photo a while back…

Unfortunately, the REAL truth is that Tim Walz is a radical lefty who recently said “what some people call socialism, I call being neighborly.” If Tim Walz is a rancher, I’m a fucking armadillo.

He is also governor of Minnesota – which has turned into “Little Mogadishu” over the last few years on his watch. Walz panders to these foreign invader dirtbags from a third-world shit hole….JUST LIKE Comrade Clayton Tucker!

Guess who else has a Muslim fetish? This guy!

Minnesota and Michigan are currently being overrun by Muslim dirtbags. I guess the plan is to have Muslims stuffing the ballot boxes to ensure Que Mala! gets pushed over the finish line – especially in the swing state Michigan.

Oh, did I mention a bunch of Muslims in Michigan just got busted cheating and buying absentee ballots to ensure ONLY MUSLIMS were elected to City council?

Votes for Sale: Progressive Democrats Say Muslims Used Voter Fraud to Secure Power in Michigan

Walz is also a frumpy old man type of commie. Not surprising since Walz has also NEVER had a private-sector job. He’s the kind of guy who always looks like it’s his first time wearing a suit – giving off Bernie Sanders vibes. And we all KNOW Comrade Clayton ADORES Bernie Sanders!

Walz was also a high school teacher, so he MUST be a genius! You cannot question his motives at all, if he is a high school teacher!

So what we basically have here is a guy who is almost exactly like Comrade Clayton, except that he appears to be heterosexual and also actually got a paycheck for “teaching” for more than 9 months. He probably also owns his own house. Other than that? Two commie loser douchebag peas in a pod.

Fat, masked and stupid is no way to go through life, son.