Oh that Julie Cain Landrum! She’s such an ARTIST! She is so AVANT GARDE!

Such a “cool kid” and member of the counterculture! Yeah! She’s an artist “sticking it to the man”! She’s making the status quo “uncomfortable” with all of her rebellion and individuality!
Oh, except that one time when Wuhan Flu was going around and she immediately fell into line with the government propaganda and turned into a Soviet-era snitch…ratting out anyone who didn’t want to impose the moronic mask mandates that violated 100 years of well-understood science about virus transmission.

An ‘artist’ comforts disturbed individuals? YOU are the disturbed individual. Twat.
I told you I’ll NEVER forgive or forget about the Covid Cult scumbags who turned into little mini Hitlers and went Good German overnight. I will keep that promise until the day I die of non-Covid causes.
People like Melissa Johnson, Bruce Haywood, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Lee Morey, Allie H Yanta, Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez, Christopher McDaniel, Gregory Thompson, Rohnda Witcher, Jennifer Moreno (Sanchez), Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris and Clayton Tucker.

How does it make you feel that you’ve spent the last 3 years abusing your body and your mental health in a paranoid delusion about a virus and I spent the last 3 years living totally normal?