Melissa Johnson is starting to emerge as one of the loudest and prolific Facebook dunces to challenge Bruce Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings as “Covid Clown Prince of Lampasas”. She is vehemently AGAINST in-person school learning, pro-mask at all times and must barely work, since she posts 27 times a day on Facebook.

She claims to be “self-employed” yet also speaks of hitting people with her cane if they come near her without a mask (nice!). So maybe is she is a fake disability sponge? Or just a crazy lady with a cane? Who knows – I don’t know her.
Point being, if she’s ‘self-employed’ yet sits home all day posting pro-mask, climb-back-into-the-womb garbage on Facebook, shutting down the economy probably won’t hurt her a bit. She seems like a donkey who sits IN the cart rather than help pull it. Just like Bruce Haywood.

She’s also a massive hypocrite. Unsurprising for a locust from Oregon. Some examples of her hypocrisy:
Melissa is gung-ho to ruin your kid’s life by wrecking the school system. But this doesn’t affect her either, of course! Her kid is 24 years old and thus already fully grown! THAT is bad enough. Anybody with no kids in the school system should close their pie hole about the ‘danger’ kids face since it doesn’t affect their kids (*cough* Karen Spivey-Cummings*cough*)

But the hypocrisy goes further and exposes her more. While she is quick to believe every utterance of bullshit from the government when it DOESN’T affect her, she will ignore it completely if in inconveniences her in the least!

Now, turning off your AC is an infinitesimally small sacrifice when compared to destroying an entire $20 trillion economy or a $35 million local school system or wrecking your kid’s education experience and setting them back two years. Right? Frankly, I think this AC suggestion is just more bullshit. But if you are going to swallow some CDC bullshit (like Melissa Johnson and Haywood clearly do) then you swallow it ALL, capice?
Nope. Melissa thinks that’s stupid. She doesn’t want to PERSONALLY sacrifice anything at all!

She’s right, of course…..wait a minute! This remark sounds A LOT like cost/benefit analysis! She accidentally used her brain a tiny bit here and compared one thing to another and weighed the costs and benefits! Holy crap. Congratulations! Now apply that kind of thinking to re-opening the schools!
Like, oh I don’t know….comparing the MASSIVE BENEFITS of keeping kids in school to the INFINITESIMALLY SMALL CHANCE of a Covid death.
See how easy that is?