Less than a month ago, the county was performing only 52 tests per day:

They managed to squeeze 3 more active cases out of those tests – or a 5.7% positivity rate.
NOW, at the end of the month, they somehow managed to bang out 1085 tests (4500 to 5585) in just 4 days – or 271 tests per day! Well over FIVE TIMES the old rate. The result? ONE new active case:

Only ONE additional active case after 1085 tests….or a .092% positivity rate.
Misti posted her first “Covid update” on June 9th. By then we had 10 confirmed cases. So I’ll be generous and assume they started testing on June 1st, even though we KNOW it started much earlier.
So FOUR months have passed since then – and they have administered 5585 tests. That works out to about 46 tests per day over that period. Yet over 19% of ALL tests in that period happened in just THE LAST FOUR DAYS at a rate of 271 tests per day.
Like a duck furiously paddling its feet under the water where you cannot see them, so is the county furiously ramping up testing to keep that ridiculous “active case” number high. Who in the hell is going in for all these tests?? Are they forcing these poor high school sports kids to get 3 tests a week or something? Absolutely idiotic.
In fact, if you assume just a ONE PERCENT false positive rate (which many experts agree is a reasonable estimate) – that would give us an accidental 10 or 11 “active cases” per 1000 tests in our county that are actually not active at all.
Has it occurred to any of you Branch Covidian dummies that there may ALWAYS be about 25 people in the county who will test positive for Covid in a random sampling of 22,000 people? Like, forever and ever? Much as I would assume that at any given time in Lampasas County there are maybe 60 people home sick with a regular old head cold on any given day in a population of 22,000? It is just a fact of life. Get over it.
Too bad Governor Wheelchair didn’t pull the arbitrary number of “30” active cases out of his ass a few months ago instead of “20” as the magic limit. We would have been “under the limit” this entire time and the Branch Covidian cult members could calm down and shut up about masks for a while. Maybe every kid in school over 10 years old wouldn’t also be breathing their own filth 40 hours a week either.
Just a thought.