$10 Plastic Owl – The Best Candidate For City Council Place Six.

Hello folks!

I’m running for Place 6 on Lampasas City council. The seat is currently held by TJ Monroe. Did you realize she has been on City council AND the LEDC board for at least TEN YEARS!

Sure, I may be made of plastic, but I won’t be any worse than TJ Monroe!

How do I know?

  1. I will never vote to spend $96,000 for a no-bid audio/visual system when we already agreed to spend $34,000 with another company!
  2. I won’t piss away $1.5 million remodeling a building like Old City Hall.
  3. I’ll never vote to waste $180,000 on a public bathroom in a park.
  4. I’ll never vote to spend $128,800 on an elevator when we can buy one for $96,000
  5. I’ll never vote to hand $72,000 in free electrical hookups to a rich developer whose newly-built houses are fetching 15% more than he estimated.
  6. I’ll never vote to hand $185,000 to one of my former council members for HIS housing development either [page 32 check #158087]
  7. I’ll never vote to spend another penny on the idiotic business park. All that park is good for is hunting mice and snakes. I love to hunt there, but TOTALLY not worth $4 million dollars.

Pretty much all I will do is sit there doing nothing – thereby NOT wasting tax money. I will never break this promise – mainly because I am a nocturnal bird of prey and therefore sleep all day – making me pretty unobtrusive during City council meetings.

For maximum effectiveness, you can move me around the room occasionally.

Please follow me on Gab.com at TenDollarPlasticOwl.

Thank you and God bless America.