I’m considering changing the name of the ‘Business Park’ from ‘Corpse Repository‘ to ‘Eckermann Retirement Fund’. The LEDC has blown WAY over a million dollars on that weed patch with nothing to show for it, but Pope Eckermann seems to have the nicest monthly skim on this thing.
Between 2/21/14 and 6/15/16 Pope Eckermann took a $168,740 bite out the taxpayer’s ass. Or about $6,000 per month. To do what? Great question. Here is a sample of just a few entries – it’s seriously almost on a monthly basis! They almost LITERALLY tithe Pope Eckermann on a schedule, it seems. Monthly rent to sprinkle holy water on the sacred site:

Of course, don’t forget to add the most recent $100,000 tithe to ‘develop’ the supposedly-already-shovel-ready business park and it jumps to $268,740. And you know it won’t stop there. This is a gravy train that all the vultures will ride for YEARS because the City and the LEDC are too stupid or stubborn to admit this thing is a debacle.
Graves, Dougherty, Hearon & Mood grabbed a huge bite of taxpayer ass too. Obviously a law firm, these charges were for legal services pertaining to Kempner Water service for the ‘business park’. Not sure how that applies since there are ZERO businesses there drawing any water from that $834,000 water system they installed. But the law firm billed them and it is filed under ‘business park’ – denoted by all the many yellow highlights added for me by the City accountant, I assume:

All in all, there are 20 entries between 3/16 and 11/17 for a massive $273,000 just in legal fees!!
So we are up to about $540,000 just between those two vultures. Let’s continue.
It cost a small fortune to run water/waste water lines into the ‘business park’. Qro Mex got that contract. At least there is something there to show for it (pipes), even if they still aren’t being used 4.5 years later. Eckermann got a bite of taxpayer ass there as well. We see $32,000 in ‘engineering and surveying’. They also blew about $30,000 clearing brush and trees. But not before $8,000 was spent on a ‘tree survey’ and $14,000 for a topological survey – both compliments of Triple C Surveying:

Total? $834,266.34
Guess we are at more like $1.375 million now for this non-shovel-ready weed patch. Funny we were told the business were JUST about to start moving in almost FIVE YEARS AGO! Oops.
Not to mention…this is all just for “improvements”! We aren’t even talking about the original COST OF THE LAND YET!
But wait…there’s more!
Techline Construction (electrical extensions) – $62,758
Schneider Engineering (electrical extension engineering) – $24,328.49 [I have to guess Pope Eckermann the Engineer was incensed at this – another hyena gnawing on HIS taxpayers asses]
L A Porter and Canales Dibble (flex base and roads? Not sure as there is not much detail on the book entry) – $22,391.26
Rental for clearing park, engineering/surveying for clearing (you have got to be kidding me) and hauling – $9,530.40
Kleensite LLC (clearing brush…AGAIN) – $6,500
Neon Cloud Productions (promotion video of weed patch) – $3,354.86
Zoom Advertising – logos, magazine ad (LOL!!), art work, banner art, business cards (yes, all for a ‘Business Park’ that does STILL not exist 4.5 years later – $2,190
Herbst Real Estate (appraisal of park in 2012) – $2,000
Sign Designs of Texas (shitty sign currently marking location of weed patch on Highway 183) – $1,545.73
Much like the Old City Hall Vanity Project, we are now looking at over $1,500,000 for this disaster. All for a weed patch.
I guess my question for LEDC and City Hall is this: when you have ALREADY spent a HUGE sum of money to date with surveying, engineering, clearing, hauling, installing electric, installing water, clearing some more, surveying some more, surveying yet again, engineering something or other, legal fees, etc….what the HELL is Eckermann going to do for the NEXT $100,000 he was handed???? Seems to me they have all been eating at the trough pretty heavily the last 7 years and $1.5 million. So NOW you are going to pay the Pope ANOTHER $100,000 to “develop the park”?
Pardon my French, but what the hell have you been doing for the last 7 years and $1.5 million, if not ‘developing’ the park.
We haven’t even TALKED about the huge sums you will have to spend to put real roads/signage/landscaping/lights in and make it look all fancy like your pipe-dream of a rendition you paid good money for!

I leave you with some hilarious quotes from years and years ago showing how wrong the politicians and City clowns have been….over and over and over….
“Ms. Toups said she wants to continue to provide infrastructure to develop the business park — which she said Harrison spoke against publicly. Ms. Toups said through the Lampasas Economic Development Corp.’s hard work, “we are on the verge of seeing large corporations come in [to the business park].” – April 21, 2017
“DeGraffenried said the LEDC was bold in its decisions to purchase the business park property and extend utilities to it. The city manager predicted Lampasas will enjoy many “spin-off benefits” throughout the city because of the utility work. ” – Oct 23, 2015
[By ‘spin-off benefits’, Spinley must mean ‘buying Pope Eckermann a new boat’]
“Recent land clearing and development of a road at the business park, Mrs. Masonheimer added, have made the site more attractive to prospective businesses and U.S. 183 passersby.” – Oct 23, 2015
“Projects like this send a message that the city will provide the infrastructure needed for job growth,” [letter written by crusty, big-spending RINO fossil-dummy Roger Williams, U.S. Congressman] – Oct 23, 2015
“An economic study in 2001, [Neal] Leavell said, concluded a business park was the main item Lampasas needed to attract development.” – Oct 23, 2015
“We look forward to working with you and working to fill this business park with good jobs,” she said [Carol Faulkenberry, Texas Dept Agriculture] – Oct 23, 2015
“Mrs. Monroe noted the Lampasas Economic Development Corp. is working with the business park south of town on U.S. Highway 183, and she said she hopes the site will attract good employers to Lampasas. [Council member TJ Monroe] – April 14, 2015
“The incumbent said the city acquired the business park property several years ago but has lacked the infrastructure needed at the site. Soon, she said, the business park will be developed enough to be inviting to businesses. [Then-council-member Wanda Bierschwale] – April 10, 2015
“Grayson said he hopes to develop the business park and attract companies to the site.” [Then-mayor Grayson running for re-election] – April 3, 2015
The council also voted to guarantee funds for the LEDC’s loan with First State Bank Central Texas. The bank requested the guarantee in the event the LEDC becomes unable to pay off the loan. The LEDC’s $1.77 million loan from the Lampasas bank includes $1.3 million for the business park utilities. – Oct 17, 2014
“I feel like we’re getting somewhere,” board president Dr. Neal Leavell added. “I think we’ve really accomplished something. It’s taken a lot of patience, but we’re here.” – September 23, 2014
“Advocates of utility extensions have said entities compete vigorously for new jobs and that cities with ready-to-build sites have an advantage as they try to attract new businesses.” – August 8, 2014
“Economic development officials have said utilities for the business park are essential to make the 165-acre area attractive to companies.” – July 22, 2014
The LEDC was “proactive,” deGraffenried said, in acquiring the U.S. 183 property several years ago for a business park. The goal of utility extensions, the city manager said, is to develop the land into a site that can promote economic growth. – June 17, 2014