Deorald Finney – Who Got Over $125,000 From Talbert Administration – Is Now Listing His $150,000 Houses For $250,000

One of the MANY reasons I gave the Talbert Administration an F on her report card was her many, many expensive giveaways to already-rich developers in her the single-minded (and idiotic) pursuit of “growth” at any cost.

You’ll recall, Talbert handed Deorald Finney FREE electrical hookups for his Stone Valley subdivision – a gift worth $72,000. That’s $72,000 that is not sitting in City coffers thanks to Talbert, Monroe, Williamson and the other council members who voted in favor of this handout.

Finney got even more than that after standing in front of Talbert and Monroe with his silk hat in hand:

“I REALLY need this free shit! I’m building a new mansion! With CORBELS!”

That wasn’t enough. Finney wanted MORE! He wanted ALL the building permit fees waived! The balls on this jabroni, eh?

TJ Monroe and Chuck “The Vampire” Williamson were totally cool with that and voted to give him EVERYTHING. Luckily, they lost that vote 5-2. Eventually they gave Finney everything he wanted EXCEPT the waived permit fees – that was just a bridge too far.

He also assured us that he would sell the houses for “between $150,000 and $180,000” so some of the poor slob taxpayers who were footing the bill could afford to buy some of these homes:

That turned out to be bullshit. Just last October, he was listing houses for OVER $200,000. I wrote an entire article on it:

THIS year, it’s even worse! He apparently decided the market would bear another 25% increase up to a quarter million dollars!

Hey man, SOMEBODY has to pay for the mansions with corbels and trips to Hawaii!!

Finney would just like to say “Aloha” (which means “thanks suckers!) to all of you fools out there who involuntarily contributed to his family trip to Hawaii!!

Great job, City council! Of course, the two biggest morons (Monroe and Williamson, who I think actually share one brain) who voted to give away even MORE stuff to Finney STILL sit on council – and are currently the MAYOR and the MAYOR PRO TEM!