One of the biggest lies the LEDC keeps repeating is that the Business Pork Project is currently in Phase I (the $2.75 million boondoggle recently approved).
I have refuted this repeatedly by pointing out that when the LEDC and City council decided to waste over $1 million in 2014 to “bring utilities to the business park” and “make it shovel ready”, that THAT was Phase I. It actually goes back even further than that, according to the old LEDC minutes.
By calling this “Phase I”, Misti Talbert and the LEDC project the false impression that they are just getting started on this Business Pork debacle. It allows them to ignore 19 years of failure and “wipe the slate clean” as it were.
They even splattered the lie all over the Dispatch today!

Unfortunately for them, there are minutes dating back to 2000 that refute all of their lies. Turns out, this latest money grab makes it like Phase IV or Phase V.
Let’s look at some tidbits from 2003:
12/15/03: Executive Director Talbot stated that he recommends that the Board only approve the work associated with Phase I of the proposal. The Board could then decide whether to proceed with Phase II.
President [Paul] Wilborn asked if the price was reasonable.
Talbot stated the price is slightly high because of the time frame.
[Shocker – even back then, they were constantly overpaying for things and in a rush to get something done, even though they had no idea where they were going. This is seen REPEATEDLY throughout the minutes between 2000 and 2004.]
Talbot stated that Phase I was just gathering information and he would like the Board to authorize any testing that might come up.
Talbot stated that his recommendation is that the Board gives their approval for him to engage Turner Collie & Braden Inc only for Phase I in the amount not to exceed $26,830.00, unless additional testing is required associated with the garbage pit designated on the property.
[I guess Pope Eckermann hadn’t sniffed out this money trough just yet, way back then! Also remember, these were 2003 dollars – which is the equivalent of about $55,000 today]
Board member Hetherly moved to recommend Talbot to agree to the proposal. Hudson seconded the motion and the motion passed.
12/23/03 minutes: Talbot wants to enter into an agreement with SWCA Environmental Consultants for professional services associated with the property the LEDC currently has under contract. Hudson moves to authorize and Hetherly seconds. Passes unanimously. [cost is not discussed here – unknown]
Talbot states the following items have been done:
Surveying work has been completed.
Wow. Surveying work was completed in 2003? That is weird, because Pope Eckermann himself surveyed the SHIT out of that SAME PIECE OF LAND in 2014, 2015 and 2016! As I pointed out back in January of 2020:
Between 2/21/14 and 6/15/16 Pope Eckermann took a $168,740 bite out the taxpayer’s ass. Or about $6,000 per month. To do what? Great question. Here is a sample of just a few entries – it’s seriously almost on a monthly basis! They almost LITERALLY tithe Pope Eckermann on a schedule, it seems. Monthly rent to sprinkle holy water on the sacred site:

You’d think that for $168,740 worth of “serveying” [sic] over two years, they’d learn how to spell “surveying”.
It’s almost like I totally called this back in 2020!
‘Business Park’ Is Huge Piece of Pork. Pope Eckermann and Others Feasting On Taxpayer Ass
1/19/2004 minutes: The Board has 150 acres under contract. The survey has been completed. All of Phase I field work has been done.
THEN on April 5, 2004 (minutes): “Board member Benton made a motion to authorize Talbot to sign an agreement with Turner Collie & Braden to proceed with Phase II work for the 150-acre Business Complex…Hetherly seconded motion. Passed unanimously.
So THERE is your Phase I (and Phase II) back in 2003 and 2004.
Stay tuned – more to come.