Robert Francis O’Rourke Takes Money From Companies That Support “Anti-Gay Politicians” – Whatever That Means

The little commie is stirred up today!

Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX, Chairman of Lampasas Democratic Party (who may or may not be gay) is ANGRY that some big corporations donate to “anti-gay politicians” – whatever that means. I’m guessing it means politicians who have come out publicly against child mutilation – a barbaric practice that the Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party is most definitely in favor of.

Well shit, I literally JUST got rid of AT&T because they are a dogshit company. I may have to go back to them now! I’ll also bet you a MILLLLIIION DOLLARS that Comrade Clayton (as well as his mom and dad, who he lives with) have used Amazon many, many times over the course of the last few years.

AT&T and Amazon? Didn’t they donate to Robert Francis O’Rourke? Why yes, yes they did. They were among his top six biggest donors!!

[I’m also curious to know why the University of California is squandering their money on a clown running for governor in Texas who had zero chance of winning. I guess that’s the “California Way” or something.]

So somehow this money is preventing you guys from having buttsex?

Who is this “O’Rourke” fellow, you ask? Well, he is another guy who never had a real job but thinks he should be running your life. A year ago, Clayton Tucker was a huge fan! Such a huge fan, in fact, that he took photos with him whenever possible…

NAMBLA recruiting poster

“Robert’s ass in one hand and my purse in the other. Heaven.”