LEDC Discussing “Workplace Business Concept” For Empty $7.4 Million Business Pork Project. Unclear What That Means.

There was a tiny nugget of info in the latest LEDC packet on page 5 (item IX) and buried in the minutes from the February 21st meeting. Naturally, it was discussed in super secret “executive session” so the plebes couldn’t hear what was going on.

According to the packet:

“Discussion and possible action regarding Workspace business concept at the Lampasas Business Park and terms of engagement with the company.”

I’m not sure why they capitalized “workspace,” because that would denote a proper noun and thus the name of the company. But I KNOW from years and years of tangling with the LEDC bozos that they would NEVER let the name of any company out in the minutes this early in the game. They’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on their hack attorney JC Brown just to keep info like that from me.

So it’s clearly a typo by the secretary. Or she doesn’t understand proper nouns. Most likely the latter.

I can also find nothing on any company called “Workspace” except for this one located in the UK.

What this kinda sounds like to me is yet ANOTHER level of scammers trying to insert themselves between the taxpayer, the LEDC and the end user.

For instance: perhaps it is a (as-yet secret and unnamed) company that specializes in the “shared office space” business model. A model that is rife with grifter scumbags and morons like WeWork’s Adam Neumann. A model that is doomed to huge failure especially now, as office space across the U.S. sits unused in the wake of the Covid scamdemic.

I can see the LEDC falling for something this stupid. They would give this “workspace” company a bunch of free stuff and land so they can build some office space there that will likely sit empty forever. Think of that Twisted Oak building right down the street…then multiply by 20.

If the office space never gets filled, the “workspace” company walks away with very little lost.

If it by some miracle makes a ton of money, the workspace company cleans up and LEDC gets nothing.

Heads, I win and tails you lose.

Naturally, this is lose/lose for the taxpayer. Kind of like the retarded “Industrial Park” agreement they recently blew up and wasted $45,000 on.

This will just be a LOT bigger.

Speaking of retarded deals and the LEDC, it looks like Eco-Turd is maybe packing up and vacating that building over there by Lampasas Beer Market. They look to be disassembling that awful, shitty demo fence that has been there for a year or two now. The fences that were marketed at almost $100 per linear foot

“Five foot nine? I didn’t know they stacked shit that high!”

I drive by there all the time and it NEVER looked like anyone was “manufacturing” jack shit, to me. Either way, there are literally ZERO cars out front now and some new signs on both doors that say “Authorized Personnel Only” as if maybe, just maybe, Mike Cour got the boot and is not welcome back.

Don’t forget that Eco-Turd had the gall to ask the City of Lampasas for $1.8 million a couple years ago. LEDC was either smart enough or broke enough that they never entered that deal.

If any birdies want to sing about Eco-Strong leaving town or moving into new digs – you can reach me at lampasshole@protonmail.com

Related: did you know the LEDC has a Twitter page? Yep. Hasn’t been updated in 2.5 years, however. Such a hard-working group. Thank goodness we have them in charge.