I just love finding old nuggets like this. I’ve been reading the LEDC minutes from 1999 onwards for a while now – to make the point over and over that they are an incompetent and rudderless organization that has NO BUSINESS handling millions in tax dollars.
I’ve posted some of their more ridiculous plans over the last year, but this one may take the cake!
From the LEDC minutes on March 18, 2009:
“President Hetherly introduced Peter Grant (owner of Grant Builders LLC of Austin TX) – noting that he is a cousin of Rick Hardin, owner of the historic Santa Fe Depot”
Wait a sec…Rick Hardin….Rick Hardin…that name sounds familiar. Oh yeah! I remember now! Three years ago he suggested another “possible brewery” development in town – with City money. He sure is persistent!
But I digress. Back to the minutes….
“Hetherly explained that she had invited Mr Grant (who did the restorations on the Santa Fe depot) to the meeting to discuss sustainable systems and renewable energy.”
Uh oh…smells like a scam coming up! Let’s continue…
“Mr Grant noted that he was not an expert but he could show the board what information he has regarding the stimulus package as it relates to sustainable systems and renewable energy”
Not an expert? No shit!
However, I bet he’s an expert at lining Mr. Grant and Mr. Hardin’s pockets with “stimulus” money from the taxpayers, given the opportunity!
You see, this meeting took place in March 2009. The economy had just blown up (The Great Recession). In fact, I know the stock market hit bottom on March 9, 2009 at S&P level 666 – so this was the DEAD NUTS BOTTOM right here. This guy was no doubt talking about the Obama stimulus package that wasted hundreds of billions and accomplished nothing. As opposed to the more current Biden stimulus that is wasting TRILLIONS and accomplishes nothing.
Some things never change. Let’s get to the good part!
“Discussions included various stimulus funding and amounts, bio fuels, solar panels and WIND POWER –turbines could be implemented downtown without being overly noisy and are better than solar power”
“Height of wind turbines – 30 feet is a good height, just need 1 1/2 stories above the roof. Ten-plus feet above the roof depending on obstructions. $2000 to $5000 to install. They are installed on ‘beefy’ poles set 4-5 feet deep with concrete pier and 1-inch bolts”
BAHAHAHAHAHA. Holy shit! They ACTUALLY DISCUSSED sticking pinwheels on top of buildings downtown! Can you imagine how that would look?? These are the types of geniuses on the LEDC you are currently trusting to spend $7 million on a Business Pork Project, don’t forget.
Also, the statement that wind turbines are “better than solar power” is absolute unmitigated bullshit. By every metric (cost per watt, etc) solar is FAR “better” than wind – but nobody on the LEDC has ever been accused of being a genius, that’s for sure.
The icing on the cake? “Peter Grant noted that he was talking to Rick Hardin about the possibility of using the Depot for a training facility” [to train people how to install solar panels and pinwheels].
LOL. Of course you are. That way you can double-dip the stimulus money! Unbelievable. Thankfully, this scheme was even too hare-brained to qualify for federal government money, apparently. It died on the vine like so many other LEDC schemes.
In case you think this is too crazy to be true: