Far-Left Liberal Stephanie Fitzharris Says “Pray For California.” No Thanks. I’ll Laugh At Them Instead.

Far-left liberal loon Potato Head Fitzharris wants you to pray for all the shitlibs in her home state of California….

The areas being scorched are about 85% shitlibs. Far from praying for them, I am going to actually laugh at them. Repeatedly and for days on end. Fuck em. The only guy I feel sorry for is actor James Woods. He’s a good dude. Everyone else can suck one.

These are the people who have been pure evil to the right for the last 6 or 8 years: fake insurrection bullshit, lawfare against Trump and his supporters, throwing thousands into solitary confinement for just being in the general AREA of the January 6th protest, Lois Lerner, telling us Joe Biden is “sharp as a tack” as he ruins the country, lying about Covid, forcing us into masks and deadly fake vaccines, deliberately skipping houses in North Carolina with Trump signs, letting millions of illegals in to wreak havoc and murder young women.

The list goes on and on and on.

My hatred for the left cannot be measured by any conventional measure. Not in pounds or gigawatts or megatons. Watching their houses burn down satisfies maybe 1% of my rage towards them.

I am not a “turn the other cheek” guy. I’m an “eye for an eye” guy.

Seeing photos of Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s mansion reduced to ashes gives me an erection, I’m not going to lie. I hope she rebuilds it and the minute they hammer the last shingle in and Julia buys the final $38,000 couch to put in her living room I hope it burns down all over again.

Even that will not satisfy me.

[Reminder: all those Seinfeld cunts – none of whom live in Texas – were raising millions four years ago to “turn Texas blue” . I hope all their houses are rubble right now. Except Kramer. I don’t think he was involved.]

Of course, Biden IMMEDIATELY said the Feds (you and me) will pay 100% of damages for all this. This is the same government who fucked over the North Carolina hurricane victims REPEATEDLY. But they will make sure Steven Spielberg gets fully reimbursed.

[Why do WE have to pay? Because Gavin Newscum capped insurance premiums in California to buy votes. When companies like State Farm couldn’t take in enough premiums to cover their risk, they simply left the state. So NOBODY gets fire insurance at ANY price! That is the libtard way! Price caps cause shortages, as any sane person knows. Fitzharris is not a sane person, however.]

Dumb shit Fitzharris thinks she has all the solutions, too! Of course, no shitlibs or DEI retards are to blame in Potato Head’s fantasy land. The problem is that everyone is so STUPID they didn’t bury the power lines or use seawater to put out the fires! DUH!!

So far, no evidence the fire was started by power lines. LOTS of evidence an illegal Guatemalan with a blow torch started fires.

“Bury the power!” says the imbecile. I assume she means power LINES. As usual, Potato Head hasn’t the faintest clue how many thousands of dollars per FOOT that would cost. This is the state that has tried to build light rail for decades and watched it go over budget by 900% and behind schedule by 20 years. If they tried to bury high voltage lines it would likely cost TRILLIONS and take 50 years after the libshits are done fucking it all up.

If you doubt that, you should know California passed a $7.5 BILLION bond to build water reservoirs for this very problem back in 2014 – over TEN YEARS ago. They still aren’t done – which contributed to this very problem today of the hydrants going dry.

“Add seawater cannons!” says the dunce. If Potato Head did even 10 seconds of reading the news, she’d see that issue has been addressed over and over again when other retards said the same thing.

Fitzharris to the rescue!!

Here is why California can’t use ocean water to help fight the wildfires

They wouldn’t NEED seawater if they had build that system of aqueducts and reservoirs they voted for back in 2014. But California is run by shitlib fuckups at every level of government. So that never got off the ground.

But hey, let’s listen to Potato Head’s knee-jerk opinion about another topic she knows absolutely nothing about. After all, she was SO smart in 2020 she fell for every single Covid hoax and then injected herself with a “vaccine” that ended up injuring her, according to her.

Just so you know Potato Head, I STILL laugh every time I write those words.

Naturally, the rabid left liberal loon wraps up her moron screed by taking a shit on Greg Abbott….

Then she pulls “OVER 1,000 DEAD!” out of her gigantic ass. Sorry dummy – not even close. It was actually 246 dead, if you believe the liberal media number – which I don’t. I mean, do you count the deaths of morons who fired up a gas generator INSIDE their homes and asphyxiated on carbon monoxide? I don’t. That’s “death by stupidity” if you ask me. Not death by cold. If they hadn’t killed their kids doing that, they probably would have left them in a hot car the following summer or killed them some other way. Because they are morons….just like you.

Oh, and there were power outages and deaths all over the U.S. during that period – not just in Texas. It was truly a freak storm.

I will also add this: If you are a man in charge of your household and have a wife and children to take care of, then it is your JOB to be prepared for anything. You should have propane and firewood stockpiled. You should have a backup generator and then a backup generator for THAT backup generator. If anyone dies on your watch, it is YOUR fault, not Greg Abbott’s. You have failed as a man if that happens. You kind of deserve to die. Especially in the 21st century when we KNEW that thing was coming over a week ahead of time.

Besides, if Texas hadn’t blown $100 billion on greentard fantasies like windmills that freeze up and solar panels that ice over and had INSTEAD built a bunch of safe, reliable nuclear plants, none of that would have happened. Once again, libshit fantasies led to disaster.

By the way, who is it that opposes nuclear energy? Oh right – stupid middle-aged shitlib females….like Stephanie Fitzharris. I am shocked!!

No matter how you slice it, shitlib retards are at the root of about 98% of all the problems in our country. Right now, a bunch of them are watching their houses burn down….and I’m very happy about that.

The shitlib obsession with filling DEI quotas of women, gays and gay women is what directly led to the horrendous response to the fires. Not a failure to use seawater or bury power lines.

Other facts that contributed…..

• Fire Department sent supplies to Ukraine.

• Cut their budget by $17.5M

• Mayor was in Africa as the city burned

• Refused to fill reservoirs, to save minnows

• They’re short on male firefighters after pushing DEI.

P.S. – I’ve decided to leave this post up all weekend, at the very least. Just so the whole town knows what a clown horn you are.

You Can All Relax Now. Potato Head Fitzharris Is Going To Get To The Bottom Of The Water Problem In Lampasas! Thank Goodness!

Finally, a keen mind has taken up this cause! A person who is the epitome of logic, reason and critical thinking. The kind of sharp analytical mind that believed a cloth mask would stop an aerosolized virus and DEMANDED everybody wear one!

The kind of rational and thoughtful person who blindly injects herself with an untested ‘vaccine’ for a minor cold virus and ends up injuring herself.


Ladies and gentlemen….I give you…Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris!

Thank goodness the woman who has lived here for barely a year thought to call TCEQ! Probably NOBODY who has lived in Lampasas for many years ever thought to do that! Truly, hers is a dizzying intellect. The kind of dizzying intellect who was easily convinced that cops were running around murdering black men at a high rate for no apparent reason (they weren’t).

The kind of wizard who saw Joe Biden slurring his words, falling down and rambling incoherently for three years straight and said “that’s just a stutter, you meanie!”

In short, a total buffoon.

I can just about guarantee you that the “burning sensation” she thinks she feels in the shower is psychosomatic. I know this because well over 50% of liberal women are mentally ill. It’s science.

She just SO badly wants to be “on a team” and be part of the group, she’ll glom onto anything and pretend like she’s suffering too. She did it with BLM, she did it with Covid and masking, she did it with ‘vaccines’ and she did it with the ‘misinformation’ censoring bullshit.

In short, she has a tiny, weak mind that is easily broken and manipulated.

Poor potato head is “spending a small fortune” on bottled water! Sure you are, sweetie! Didn’t you sell your Austin mansion for close to a million dollars and then buy your mom’s house here for like $250,000? Seems like you probably have a bit left over.

I know you spent a pile of money doing a renovation on that house AND you likely threw a chunk of money at your mom’s ridiculous tea party a couple weeks ago, but I doubt you have trouble spending $1.30 for a gallon of distilled water at Walmart.

Water that USED to be 99 cents for many, many years by the wayuntil fucking morons like you voted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris into office.

Poor baby has to spend $30 a month on drinking water from Wal-Mart! She DEMANDS restitution! LOL. Maybe you can throw a tea party to raise the funds for that, eh?


Anyway, you can all rest easy now that we have her bulbous, potato-shaped cranium hard at work on this seemingly intractable water problem!

Evidence Was Clear WAY Back In 2016: Police Do NOT Disproportionately Kill Unarmed Black Men.

Roland Fryer is an economics professor at Harvard.

He’s also black.

In 2016 he published a study showing police don’t disproportionately kill unarmed black men.


SJW outrage ensued.

He says “all hell broke loose,” and he was forced to go out in public with armed security after he published a studythat found no evidence of racial bias in police shootings.

His Dean at the time, Claudine Gay, put him on leave for 2 years. Yes, the SAME Claudine Gay that was recently busted for plagiarizing and antisemitism.

When asked about her recent downfall for antisemitism and plagiarism, he said karma is a “motherfucker”

BLM spread a false narrative of police brutality and white supremacy. The false narrative of racist police officers hunting down black men is propaganda and disinformation, not supported by evidence.

A total of zero unarmed blacks were killed by police in Minneapolis in 2019 (where George Floyd died). 

An unarmed black person is much more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by a police officer.

Of course, these easily-researched facts did not stop a LOT of morons from running around in 2020 burning things to the ground or publicly calling the police “brutal terrorists” without a shred of proof. Some might even call that libelous!

Showing support for Marxist organizations

No doubt many of these same morons contributed monetarily to the Marxist front group known as Black Lives Matter, or BLM. The BLM founders then took the money of these self-hating, guilty, liberal, white middle-aged idiot women [see above] and spent it on things like buying mansions for themselves in white neighborhoods! LOL. Suckers!

Black Lives Matter Secretly Bought a $6 Million House

One of those founders is Melina Abdullah – a Marxist. Let’s see what kind of garbage Abdullah is spewing today:

Clearly, this woman is an insane, grifter scumbag. So are the fools who supported all that easily-disproved garbage. Then again, nobody ever accused Stephanie Fitzharris of being very smart…..

Fitzharris shown here with AI-generated extra chromosome

The numbers don’t lie…

HCQ Highly Effective: Remember When Marxists Like Stephanie Fitzharris Demanded We Shut Down Free Speech On Covid Treatments? I Do.

Time to mash some potatoes.

Far-left Covid loons like Stephanie Fitzharris, Bruce Haywood and Clayton Tucker did a LOT of damage back in 2020 and 2021 with their disgusting anti-American and anti-free-speech behavior. It is not an exaggeration to say that because of far-left roaches like them, a LOT of people died unnecessarily – likely hundreds of thousands of people. Millions of kids were also hurt permanently by being kept out of school for a virus that didn’t affect them at all.

It was possibly the most shameful episode of the last 200 years in this country. Not only have the covid loons NEVER apologized for their insanity, they like to pretend it never happened at all. Like Stephanie Fitzharris, they have wiped their social media profiles clean over and over to hide their turds. They make up some lie about “the AI is targeting me for no reason” so they can wipe evidence of their past stupidity and authoritarianism…

Profile #3 or #4 – who knows. Always hiding the past.

Luckily I am here to remind everyone forever and ever about this.

I remember the first time I head them screech about “misinformation” and “disinformation” – it sounded like something straight out of George Orwell’s 1984 novel. It was absolutely insane. This is America. We have the First Amendment. We discuss things openly and try to arrive at the truth using facts, logic and examples. What we DON’T do, is label anything we don’t like as “disinformation” and demand it be shut down.

In fact, ‘vaccines’ did nothing to stop the spread and MANY vaxxed people have died.

But far-left commies like Stephanie Fitzharris were very much against that. The far-left commies like Stephanie Fitzharris wanted to silence ANY opinions that didn’t agree with the Big Government Narrative. You see this type of censorship in North Korea, Cuba, the old Soviet Union, and other assorted communist/socialist banana republics.

Both Ivermectin and HCQ were suggested to help out with reducing Covid mortality rates. But the Marxists didn’t like that suggestion. A suggestion that was made by trained doctors and backed up with copious evidence.

In fact, some far-left commie buffoons LITERALLTY wanted President Trump SENT TO PRISON for even suggesting that HCQ might help reduce deaths from Covid. Potato Head Fitzharris was 100% in agreement with this notion – as you can see below:

Fast forward two years and we get more proof that Trump was right and the commie idiots were wrong:

Hydroxychloroquine Reduces COVID-19 Mortality, Study Finds

HCQ Associated With Lower Covid Mortality

COVID patients who were treated with hydroxychloroquine were less likely to die than those who weren’t, according to a new study.

Just 0.8 percent of patients at a facility in France who received hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and an antibiotic died, compared with 4.8 percent of patients who didn’t receive the drug combination, French researchers reported on Nov. 1.

“This study represents the largest single-center study evaluating HCQ-AZ in the treatment of COVID-19,” Dr. Didier Raoult, with Aix-Marseille Universite in Marseille, and his co-authors wrote. “Similarly, to other large observational studies,it concludes that HCQ would have saved lives.”

If lefty scumbags hadn’t been demanding censorship and punishment for going against the Big Government Narrative on Ivermectin and HCQ, many, many more lives could have been saved.

Far-left Marxist Stephanie Fitzharris gets angry when she is called a Marxist – but the proof is in the pudding. There she is calling for a sitting president to be charged with a CRIME for exercising free speech – free speech that could have saved lives, as it turned out.

Freedom-loving Americans don’t scream about censoring “misinformation” – only commie pieces of shit do that. If the shoe fits then wear it, you Potato-headed clown.

She likes to call me a liar, but all I do is re-post her old posts that SHE HERSELF wrote and posted publicly for all to see. I’d love to see her give ONE example of any “lie” I’ve told. She won’t – because I am extremely careful to back up every argument I make with hard evidence.

If anyone is a liar around here, it is Potato Head herself. She likes to make outlandish lies about being “stalked” and having to move from Austin to Lampasas because “her life was in danger.”

Is there anyone who does drama better than fat, middle-aged liberal women?
Slander is spoken, you moron.

She just loves to throw around bullshit like “stalker” and “slander” and “harassment.” Of course, if any of that were true, she’d have a case. Unfortunately, any sane person she whines to will point out that I have a First Amendment right to ridicule idiots like Stephanie Fitzharris. I also have the right to re-post garbage she has posted in the public domain. Her best course of action is to just shut her mouth altogether – something I’d wager her husband has told her more than once. But she is incapable of that. So she just gives me more fodder with which to shit on her head.

We’d all love to know exactly how your “life is in danger”! Please enlighten us! So did you move because of the Lakeway “stalker” or because of me? Or maybe because Austin is an over-priced, crime-ridden dump and you wanted out, but you could NEVER admit that to your fellow Austin libshits – so you concocted this “my life is in danger” bullshit to try and get some pity?

Either way, it’s all a huge lie.

She likes to state that me re-posting her old posts is “stalking” and she was so traumatized by this, that she had to….wait for it….move FROM Austin (90 minutes away) TO Lampasas – which is MY neck of the woods! She was so traumatized by me exercising my First Amendment rights and pointing out that she’s an ass hat, that she had to move CLOSER to me! Makes total sense, right?

Of course, she also claims to have ANOTHER stalker back in Austin as well. Basically, anyone who has publicly called out this blabber-mouthed idiot is immediately labeled a “stalker” in her book. That is just another Potato-Headed way of trying to silence the other side of the argument. She can dish it out, but boy, she cannot take it.

Other Marxist bonus points for Potato-Head Fitzharris:

#1 – Huge backer and supporter of Black Lives Matter, a Marxist front group.

#2 – Denies CRT (a neo-Marxist movement) exists. She also adheres to “woke” ideology – which is more neo-Marxist garbage.

The irony of the above post is that Potato Head Fitzharris, who accuses anyone who doesn’t agree with her of being a “stalker,” is right there hounding her poor father on HIS Facebook page. Actually stalking her poor father and harassing him in a conversation she was not invited to!

Keep telling your lies, Potato Head. I’ll keep debunking them.

Potato Head Takes Break From New Persona Charade: Scurries Off To Hang With Gun-Grabbing Gay Mafia Loser Garry Brown.

It must be exhausting to pretend to be a normal small-town American patriot who loves freedom, the Constitution, and American traditions when you are actually the exact opposite. Especially for someone with a mouth as big as Stephanie Fitzharris. She HAS to yap about her left-wing nuttery all the time because that’s all she has in life. BUT, she’s no longer surrounded by an echo-chamber of libtarded clowns like she was in Austin.

Apparently, Potato Head had to get her fix in because she was recently hanging out with Garry Brown:

Jesus Christ, Potato Head. You apply any more filters on that and it’ll be nothing but a white, potato-shaped smudge that vaguely resembles Miss Piggy.

Who is Garry Brown? This hardcore lib nerd:

Take a good look: this is Comrade Clayton Tucker in about 28 years. An annoying queen with a resume full of unpaid, bullshit titles who spends most of his time standing around holding signs complaining about non-existent problems:

If you are hanging out with a clown like this, you have serious problems.

He’s a deadbeat bum just like Comrade Clayton (and Grady Lucas), too! Despite being like 60 years old and having ALL those impressive titles on his resume, he still goes begging for money. I guess being an “organizer” doesn’t really pay the bills, does it?

Garry is the kind of shitbag who IMMEDAITELY blamed last night’s tragic shootings in Maine on….you guessed it: Republicans

According to Garry, mass shootings are happening because of Republicans. If you’d just vote for idiot Marxist losers like himself, the gun violence would go away. You know, because all those 90% liberal cities with gun bans like Chicago and Detroit and New York are violence-free paradises.

THESE are Potato Head’s REAL friends. THESE loons are who she has surrounded herself with for the last 30 years or so. She may try to fool you by hiding her true colors for small periods of time, but it’s all an act.

Left wing loons NEVER change their stripes. Go back 10 years and you’ll find a slightly younger but equally obese Stephanie Fitzharris bitching on social media about Tea Party “crazies,” banning guns and how white males are the root of all evil.

Radical Leftist and Marxist Sympathizer Stephanie Fitzharris Has Infested Local Community Organization “Vision Lampasas”

I wonder if Vision Lampasas is aware they have a radical, leftist Marxist scumbag as their Director of Marketing…

Longtime readers know this woman quite well. She was a very loud and vocal voice for the Covid Cult who used to stick her fat beak into the Lampasas Breaking News FB page – even though she lived in Austin (by way of Oregon and Santa Monica, California). She did this because her equally dimwitted far-left mother Janet Yoder “Crazier” Crozier (also from Austin, and Ohio before that) lives in Lampasas.

You can read about her far-left positions HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE for starters. Or use the search function with a key word like “Potato Head.”

She has pushed all sorts of insanity over the last few years: forced masking for adults AND children, forced vaccinations, trying Trump for “crimes against humanity” for suggesting HCQ might be effective against Covid, BLM, wokeism, CRT denial and a LOT more.

She recently moved from Austin (where she was screaming to defund police a couple years ago) into our little town – where she has tried her best to portray herself as just a normal, small-town patriotic American. She is nothing of the sort. She is a radical leftist and authoritarian who thinks Biden is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

If she had her way back in 2021, she’d probably be throwing the “filthy unvaxxed” into internment camps without a second thought.

Here are some things that Vision Lampasas may not know about their “Director of Marketing”:

She helps raise money for one of the most radical leftist groups in the country: the Southern Poverty Law Center. You may have heard of them – they’re the ones who labeled parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty as a “hate group” among other egregiously radical left positions.

She was also a full-throated supporter of communist front group Black Lives Matter:

Is there any more destructive force than the middle-aged white liberal woman? I suggest no.
Full support of communist front group AND wearing a useless Covid mask. A moron two-fer

Oh, and she’s all in favor of Antifa too!

She applauded local self-avowed socialist Clayton Tucker when he ran for City council a couple years ago – even though she didn’t live in our town. It is safe to say she would vote for a socialist City council member at the drop of a hat…

Want more info, Vision Lampasas? Well, you’re in luck!

She thinks CRT is a hoax – which makes even her own father laugh in her face. I swear, how her dad raised TWO far-left commie retards (her sister is Sonja Powell in the above BLM screenshot) is beyond me. I’d disown the filthy commie if she were my daughter.

You hear that, Vision Lampasas? If you are of the (correct) belief that CRT is a bunch of commie horseshit that turns the entire world into “oppressor” or “the oppressed,” then you are just a stupid old person who is being manipulated. Stephanie Fitzharris says so. I’m sure she knows a lot about educating kids and communism…her oldest son was ALSO very much in love with communism out there in Oregon where he lives with his gender-fluid she/he freak named Badger…

She is also VERY woke – even though she has no clue what it really means….

Yeah Dad! Tell that bitch what’s what! Butt out, you idiot Potato Headed Marxist clown horn!

Tell you what, Vision Lampasas: I’ll donate $1,500 to your group if you fire this moron and NEVER let her have any association with Vision Lampasas again. Deal?

Don’t Forget The BLM Supporters Either. They ‘Defunded Police’ And Caused Current Crime Waves.

Some of the same people who were rabid Covid Culters in 2020 were ALSO full-in on the Black Lives Matter scam. BLM made the claim that innocent blacks were being systematically targeted by the police due to systemic racism. That was total nonsense, of course.

There WAS no epidemic of “racist” shootings.

In actuality, BLM is a socialist front group and scammed millions from gullible fools like Stephanie Fitzharris. The checks that guilty, self-hating white liberals like Stephanie Fitzharris wrote to BLM from her husband’s checking account went directly to scammers who used it to buy lavish homes.

Two super white sisters virtue signal to each other and to everyone on Facebook. They are holier than thou.

Plenty of studies show that blacks are NOT killed at a higher rate. But this garbage “fact” led to police officers being vilified and crucified. It also led to the “defund police” movement – which resulted in the MUCH higher crime rates we are seeing today.

You can thank BLM supporters like Stephanie Fitzharris for that as well. As usual, once the policy she screamed loudly for backfired and caused massive crime spikes in HER town, she backpedaled furiously and pretended she never said any of that stuff – just like she now pretends she WASN’T an insane Covid Cult loon:

Potato Headed Lib Stephanie Fitzharris Beclowns Herself Yet Again

There WAS no systemic ‘brutality’ against blacks – it was all bullshit

“Remember when I was a rabid BLM idiot and screamed to defund police and wanted social workers to talk compassionately to car jackers? Turns out I didn’t really mean that now that my shitty town of Austin is overrun by crime!”


Potato-Headed Far-Left Authoritarian Clown Lost Her Mind Over Covid. Never Forget.

Three years after the Covid Cultists panicked and went full “Good German,” a lot of these far-left liberal Covid loons have erased their Facebook pages to bury the evidence. Some people like Stephanie Fitzharris, have started SEVERAL new profiles over and over to try create a false new persona and distance themselves from the truth.

Those people cannot be allowed to get away with it and it must NEVER be forgotten or forgiven. So we will be doing a tribute to remind EVERYONE of their true colors.

Stephanie Fitzharris was LOUDLY and CONSTANTLY screaming for FORCED masking and FORCED “vaccination” – and called for persecution of anyone who questioned her authoritarian view.

Potato head cheers for forced masking – which did NOTHING to stop the spread. Twat.
If you pointed out the vaccine didn’t stop the spread, you were spreading “disinformation.” Twat.
Children were not “asked” – they were FORCED. Twat.

Make no mistake about it: Stephanie Fitzharris would have turned you into the Covid police in a split second. She was all in favor of destroying small businesses because she herself had no job and could easily sit home and play with her inner child while others suffered.

Thankfully we have the Second Amendment here, so we didn’t turn into New Zealand or Australia – where they were setting up concentration camps for those who refused to get the “vaccine.” Naturally, Stephanie Fitzharris is no friend of the Second Amendment either:

She demanded censorship of anyone who suggested that Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine might work. She EVEN demanded the president of the United States be brought up on charges for suggesting HCQ might help – a position that was later proven correct.

Millions of American lost their jobs when they refused forced vaccination. To this very day, hospitals and air travel are highly disrupted by nurse and pilot shortages thanks to Joe Biden’s idiotic authoritarian policies. Stephanie Fitzharris is a HUGE Joe Biden supporter – and lover of Bernie Sanders, the socialist. She is a FAR left nut job. Do not forget that either. You can thank voters like Stephanie Fitzharris for the disaster that is Joe Biden:

She has been known to lie and say she wasn’t really a Democrat or a far left loon. That is not true. She is 100%, full-on libtard lefty Covid Cult loon and BLM supporter:

She is also full-on woke! Very, very woke. No wonder her own father can’t stand her. She’s annoying to the point where her own Dad told her to STFU:

Woke is not decency. It is horseshit ruining the country. Twat.

She also thinks CRT is just a hoax….

CRT is VERY real – and part of the push for communism. Twat.

…and she’s VERY much AGAINST voter ID laws to secure elections. When Georgia passed a law to tighten election security, MLB responded by taking the All-Star Game away from Georgia. Potato head Stephanie Fitzharris cheered this on:

Stephanie Fitzharris has lived in Oregon, California and Austin – all three of those are HARD CORE liberal bastions. She has praised Oregon repeatedly and told us last year she was going to sell their house in Austin and move back west to Oregon, where her commie-loving “son” lives…

Never forget. Never forgive. People like Stephanie Fitzharris belong in Oregon, California or North Korea. NOT in the fine state of Texas.

Debt-Ridden, Obese Failure Stacey Abrams Panned By Democrats For ‘Incredibly Bad’ Financial Planning

I am shocked! Shocked, I tells ya! A fat moron with a history of being incapable of managing her own personal finances and getting herself into $200,000 of personal debt can’t handle her millions in campaign finances? The idiot who personally owes $54,000 in back taxes also bungled her campaign funds?

No way.

To wit:

Abrams was defeated by incumbent Republican Governor Brian Kemp in November even though she had a “record-setting haul” and was a media darling.

“But her campaign’s expenditures have come under sharper scrutiny as new details emerge about the tight cash crunch she faced before her November defeat to Kemp by nearly 8 points,” AJC reporter Greg Bluestein wrote.

According to Axios, “money became so tight that most of the 180 full-time staffers were given an abrupt paycheck cutoff date — just a week after the November election.”

Lauren Groh-Wargo, Abrams campaign manager, told Axios vendors are still owed more than $1 million and that the team is still working to repay debts. The outlets spoke with various insiders who “surfaced new details about profligate spending that led to a dire financial squeeze by the end of the campaign.”

According to Bluestei’s report, former staffers detailed over-the-top expenses, including a home the campaign rented to use for making TikTok videos.

“Some aides commandeered the vacant five-bedroom craftsman-style house, now available to rent at $12,500 a month, as a makeshift office,” Bluestein wrote. “A pop-up shop and ‘swag truck’ were assigned to dispense merchandise, such as T-shirts and hoodies, to win over young voters. But staffers grumbled that there was no apparent strategy behind the giveaways, which they said seemed careless and costly.”

Of course, there are still some people out there (**cough** Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris ** cough **) who are THEMSELVES so dumb that they think Abrams is some kind of genius…

One obese moron admires another…MY GOD!

Speaking of Potato Head, how’s that AirBnB rental thing going for you? You applied for and got the necessary permits and paid the annual fees for running that thing, right?

It would be a shame if the Austin STR office (STRlicensing@austintexas.gov at 512 974-2000) found out about it and you didn’t have your paperwork in order. A real shame.

I certainly would NEVER alert them to your situation. Wink wink. That would be like, I don’t know, calling the cops over someone sending you a Christmas ornament or something. Dick move.

Don’t worry, I’m sure the housing market will totally come back next year and allow you (and 8,000 other suckers) to unload your home.

Potato Headed Dunce Proven Wrong For 12th Time In a Row – Tries To Hide Her Extreme Liberal Past. Moving To Lampasas?!?

I’m starting to understand why Austin/Lampasas liberal stooge Stephanie Fitzharris keeps starting new Facebook pages: so she can erase all evidence of her prior wrong calls, Covid Cult authoritarianism, and rabid Marxism/liberalism.

Reinventing wheel = I’m erasing evidence of past support of Biden, Covid Cult and Marxist lib policies which are destroying the country….so I can’t be blamed later.

She was wrong about Covid death rates, wrong about HCQ, wrong about masks working, wrong about lockdowns, wrong about keeping kids out of school, wrong about social distancing, wrong about Biden being a good president, wrong about the Ghost of Kiev, wrong about Stacy Abrams, wrong about raising her communist son Julian Jordan of Oregon, and wrong about the “vaccine”.

Yes….such a TREASURE he turned out to be!

Her latest absolutely wrong call? That the Georgia voter ID laws (which required IDs and other safeguards in order to vote) were somehow “restrictive” and “repressive”. She cheered when the MLB idiots moved the All-Star game out of Georgia. Hilariously, the Braves went ahead and won the World Series last year, while her beloved Dodgers (she once lived in CA – shocker!) got crushed…..

But guess what? Potato Head was completely wrong AGAIN! I know…crazy, right?

Georgia early voting continues to shatter records

Don’t worry – Comrade Clayton, Bruce Haywood and all the other libs who screamed bloody murder about voter ID requirements were wrong too.


Well, good thing you started a new Facebook page recently so it was all erased and you can pretend it never happened. Just like your insanity during Covid…

Wearing a mask is actually very fucking stupid and useless. It’s science.

If Austin is so AWESOME, why’d you sell your house? Why are you slumming around in Lampasas?? Do us all a favor and just head back to California or Oregon with the other lib scum. Every lib scumbag who moves from Austin to Lampasas is one too many, in my book. City council ought to ban liberals like they ban burning leaves when it’s too dry outside.

Say that reminds me…watch out for this Potato Headed moron here in town. I think she may be trying to move here and blend in pretending to NOT be a Marxist, Biden-loving, Covid Cult asswipe. Of course, I know better and I have the receipts to prove it.

[She was spotted at Lampasas Beer Market way back in the corner last Saturday evening. Funny thing was, the World Series was on with Houston playing, and this self-proclaimed “baseball fanatic” (who blabbered and babbled about the All-Star game being moved because of ‘racism’) never even glanced at the screen once. ‘Baseball fanatic’ was just another personality to put on or take off like her XXL underwear.]

She seems even MORE mentally unstable lately as she thinks her MOM’S (Local loon Janet ‘Crazier’ Crozier) house is actually HERS! Maybe after she sold her Austin mansion, she moved in with mom. Nothing would surprise me. But she has been spotted trying to ingratiate herself online to local music legend Bobby Starr and also comments on the pages of councilman Herb Pearce and his family. So there is no telling what’s she’s up to….

“Soon, soon” what? We have to see your potato head in the streets on Lampasas? God help us.

In case you are not clear on this exchange, Potato Head somehow had access to her mom’s doorbell cam – which is weird enough. Then a chick named Suzie Adams asks “is that the house YOU got?” (Potato Head was in the process of selling her Austin house at the time).

Then this insane potato headed woman replies “Yes”!

As bad luck would have it, our local gardener Janet “Crazier” Crozier (Potato Head’s mom) happened to see this on-line exchange the very next day and jumped in and corrected her, saying “NO…that is OUR house”. Lampasas property rolls prove Janet right – the house belongs to “CROZIER JANET D & MILVERN J” – as you can see HERE.

So Fitzharris either has Biden-like dementia and doesn’t realize what house she actually owns OR she straight up LIES right to the face of a good friend. Take your pick.

I have always picked “she’s a loon”, myself.

I guess that’s what happens when you change your personality every 6 months or so. Maybe I should call her Sybil instead.