This might be one of his more preposterous lies ever told. The idea that ANY government agency/program/initiative produces a 73x return on your money is laughable on its face. Government brings us Amtrak and the post office – NOT programs that pay off at 73-1. Most government programs are the other way around – spending $50 for $25 worth of benefits to the public.
As usual, there is no link to the “study” cited here.
So I went and found the study myself. Also as usual, reality is very different than these two midgets present it here.
The study is HERE – see pages ES-13 onward (section 1.7).
Here is how the description of their methodology starts:
To elicit the respondent’s value for current forecast information we implemented a contingent valuation method (CVM) question. We note here that the implementation of this question does not meet many of the standard guidelines for CVM studies. Given the limitations of this implementation we can most likely interpret responses as indications of the strength of preferences for current forecasts rather than a reasonably valid and reliable benefit estimate….
In layman’s terms: we just made up our own valuation method. In other words, we made all this shit up.
Essentially what they did is ask a bunch of people on the street how much they would pay every year to have accurate weather forecasts. That’s it.
That whole line of reasoning is moot. You know why? Because there are ALREADY a LOT of private weather forecasters who make a TON of money providing hyper-accurate and extremely localized weather forecasts. They are light years ahead of the federal government already. That’s because there is a HUGE profit motive to be the best and the most accurate.
Think of U.S. Post Office versus FedEx and you start to get the idea.
You know why that data is so valuable? Because if you are, for example, an orange juice futures trader or soybean trader and you have accurate weather data that is even 24 hours further out than everyone else, you can make a TON of money trading on that information. If you know there will be a hard freeze in Florida a few days before everyone else, you can load up on teeny calls and get rich.
You know who else would pay BIGLY to have accurate weather forecasts? The insurance industry. Those are just TWO quick examples of deep-pocket customers who are ALREADY going outside the government forecasts and using private weather companies.
Furthermore, the NWS is just a fraction of NOAA spending:

So even if you accept the premise of these two parasitic midgets that NWS is SUPER valuable and can’t be touched (I do not), that doesn’t mean we can’t take a chainsaw to the other $5.4 BILLION dollars NOAA is wasting on NGO scams and green energy grifts.
Here is yet ANOTHER little taste of what DOGE is finding in EVERY SINGLE DEPARTMENT they look at:

Stacy Abrams is a Grade-A moron who cannot even balance her own checkbook, as I’ve pointed out before:
But these scumbag NGOs just dumped TWO BILLION into this clown’s account. Yeah, tell me that there is no fat to cut, Robert Reich.
Speaking of fat, Potato Head Fitzharris on the wrong side of everything AGAIN:

Well, I guess “smart” is relative. When you are Potato Head Fitzharris with an IQ of about 72, then Stacey Abrams with her 75 IQ looks “smart” to you.