So the City showed off their new digs earlier this week….ALL the upper-echelon (look it up, Monica) Lampassholes were there. Well, actually it was mostly City employees, City politicians and the piles of people who have made a mint off of City contracts. Even Pope Eckermann was there to bless the proceedings. As was JNW bunglers Architects. I assume there were some people there from ASJ and RKJ Construction companies but I don’t have any clue what they look like. Maybe they were the guys over in the corner laughing and lighting their cigars with $100 bills.
Finley did his best Toby Flenderson impersonation as he narrated, bloviated and pontificated on the hardships he faced in torching $1.5 million tax dollars. It was no small feat, according to him:

The building is very nice inside. Then again, for $1.5 million, it had better be. Wish I could say the same for the audio system. Granted, I was in the back of the room, but won’t that be the case all the time when 200 people pack the council room every two weeks to stay informed?
TJ Monroe either needs a new $250 microphone or needs to learn how to lean forward into it. Misti was barley intelligible but that may have had to do with a hoarse voice and her attempt to tear up during her speech to show the overwhelming emotion of throwing $1.5 million down a rat hole. I’m not sure which.
I managed to hang my seven goldfish ornaments on the tree in council chambers:

Apparently City workers and leaders have confused themselves with the CEOs of a very profitable Fortune 500 company. They spared no expense in the Executive Suite…or the break room…or the OTHER Executive Suite. Note the massive excess of chairs despite the main room being filled to capacity. Somebody got carried away with the City credit card! Again!

I also rode the Magic $128,400 elevator…and it didn’t trap me. WAY nicer than the other thousands of other elevators I’ve ridden in during my lifetime. But this is for the Fishbowl – which means SPARE NO EXPENSE!
Can’t wait to start going to some meetings next year! It’s a shame Monica never figured out how to work the video streaming component of the $95,000 audio system. That huge camera over the Mayor’s desk looks cool and expensive. A shame not to use it. Gary Cox must be rolling over in his grave.