Despite Greentards’ Best Efforts To Wreck Grid With Pinwheels and Electric Fagmobiles, It Is Still Going Strong.

“Fix the damn grid! Fix the damn grid!”

Such is the call of the retarded socialist myna bird who lives with his mom.

Wrong. There were no outages last winter and there are none now. That is DESPITE WAY too many liberals moving to Texas and plugging in their Tesla Fagmobiles. The grid is still kicking ass. I have my AC cranked up full blast right now.

Where is the socialist douchebag right now? Is he admitting he was completely wrong? No. Probably sitting in mom’s upstairs bedroom with the thermostat set at 68, jacking off to Bernie Sanders Tweets.

Socialist Crybaby Whines About His Lucky Charms Being too Expensive

Nothing more amusing than someone who voted for Biden crying about inflation. What a life! Living at home with mommy at age 32 as an able-bodied, childless male and whining about the price of cereal on Twitter. Mom must have demanded that Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX go out and pay for his own damn cereal after freeloading off of her the last 10 years and he was stunned to find prices have gone up during that period…

IT’s KELLOGG, you morons. At least learn how to spell the company you are whining about.

Most normal, productive men are bitching about income taxes this week. They are rightfully resentful about having 1/3 of their labor stolen by socialist cunts like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX and handed to deadbeats who borrowed money for a shitty ‘education’ and now refuse to pay it back.

But not Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX – because he is not actually employed by anyone, as far as I can tell. He’s whining about his Lucky Charms instead.

Why don’t you eat some eggs in the morning from your “farm” comrade Clayton?? You shouldn’t be eating all that sugary shit anyways – it gives you a big fat manfupa, as is evident here:

If you didn’t get so fat off the Lucky Charms, you wouldn’t have to starve yourself like a Muslim during Ramadan…

Of course, the socialist is too stupid to understand the cause of all this inflation: which are Biden’s policies of (1) massive inflationary deficit spending (2) paying people not to work (3) letting deadbeats off the hook for their student loans – enabling them to sit on ass at home instead of work to pay off the debt they have incurred.

Never mind that Kellogg is facing massive increases in INPUT costs – like sugar.

Must be the greedy sugar farmers, right Comrade Clayton??

Kellogg has faced all kinds of problems and their stock is basically unchanged over the last 4 years…

But Comrade Clayton doesn’t understand what input costs or margins are, because he has never run a business…let alone WORK for one. His business is whining like a bitch about everything. Just like his hero Bernie Sanders – another worm who has never worked a day in his life.

In the tiny brain of the socialist, all of the inflation that has come about since January of 2021 is the result of a massive, coordinated campaign by “greedy corporations” who all decided to flip the “greedy switch” on at the exact same time across all industries.

THAT, in a nutshell, is the problem with today’s socialist youth. They are like 5-year-olds who cannot see obvious cause and effect and therefore keep pushing for the same stupid policies over and over. Like a retarded baby, they NEVER LEARN.

For example: they were told the “vaccines” were safe and effective in stopping Covid. The REALITY was quite different. People who were vaxxed still caught Covid and died. Additionally, there is very good evidence that roughly 300,000 young people (who were not at risk in the first place) have been killed by this “vaccine” (unfortunately, Comrade Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX and chairman of the Lampasas Democrats was not one of them.)

A logical person who understood cause and effect would say “I’m not taking that piece of shit ‘vaccine’ or booster again.” Not the idiot socialist, though. The idiot socialist does the following:

Tries to tell us that Biden and Walensky never said the vaccine would stop Covid from spreading or prevent symptoms and death – even though there are STILL videos of them saying EXACTLY THAT on the Internet to this day!

Tries to censor and suppress the speech of legitimate doctors, funeral home directors and life insurance adjusters who publicly point out the indisputable massive increase in “all cause” deaths of young people over the last 2 years.

The same has happened with the massive inflation that Biden’s moronic policies and spending have unleashed. They cannot understand cause and effect. They demand even MORE spending and MORE clampdowns on the “greedy” corporations. Corporations that employ hundreds of thousands of people, I might add.