Socialist Lickspittle Thanks D.C. Overlords For Handing SOME Tax Dollars Back To State.

Clayton Tucker would have made a great feudal serf. He would have handed over all his grain to his lord and then thanked him when the lord threw a handful back onto the cow-shit-covered ground for Clayton to pick up and eat while profusely thanking the lord and licking his boots.

Then he probably would have watched the lord bang his wife and thanked him for showing him how to make a woman cum.

Just kidding – we all know he’d be incapable of growing any grain (or securing a wife) in the first place and would likely be working for the king as a eunuch tax collector. Because he’s a parasite. It’s in his blood. Even his fellow parasites are congratulating him on sponging off his parents!

So to recap:

Texas citizens hand over hundreds of billions in federal gas taxes, income taxes, estate taxes, capital gains taxes, and all sorts of other taxes.

Then a bunch of lazy, D.C. parasites (who STILL mostly “work” from home) skim billions of that for themselves. These are the know-nothing, shit bird Clayton Tucker types populating the EPA, DOE, etc. They add zero value. They TAKE their skim and in return, they impose more rules on the productive citizens. They waste hundreds of billions on moronic, failed green energy bullshit and “high speed rail” that never works.

THEN, they make the states and citizens beg for their money back! Follow all of our rules, or you don’t get those highway funds! Better hire more Haitians!

And at the end of the day, beta male pussies like Clayton Tucker thank them profusely and then suck their cock.

Of course, since he lives with mom and pays no taxes, it’s ALL free money to him. So from HIS point of view, it really is “free” stuff.

The rest of us know better.