Socialist Chairman Of Lampasas Democratic Party Has Brain Of 7-Year-Old Girl.

Only two types of people would post something this ridiculous: a mildly retarded 33-year-old ‘man’ who lives with his mother, or a 7-year-old girl.

That’s it. Take your pick. No real man would post something this completely idiotic….

I think he really STILL believes this is reality! Like a young child asking why we don’t just give money to all the poor people so they aren’t poor anymore! As if a huge chunk of the population (evil right wingers, of course) enjoy having raging inflation, litter and pollution everywhere, a shitty economy and crumbling bridges. It’s what we live for. It brings us joy.

[Then again, I don’t remember airplanes constantly catching on fire, dropping landing gear onto cars in parking lots, emergency-landing due to hydraulic problems or collapsing upon landing back before Biden and his DEI bullshit were implemented!]

Of course, I have pointed out many (approximately 12) times that socialist ass pimple Clayton Tucker is actually a girl – so his cartoon-like simpleton’s view of the world is not that shocking, really….

Evidence Piling Up That Local Socialist Clayton Tucker Is Actually a Woman. Twelve Pieces of Proof:

In case you weren’t familiar with what this socialist’s idea of “working together” means, here are a few ways they want to do it:

FORCE everyone into electric cars (which actually pollute FAR MORE than an ICE car). Highly subsidize (i.e. steal from taxpayer and rate payers) garbage green energy like windmills that then need to be backed up by RELIABLE power sources – thus vastly increasing your energy costs as everything has to be done in duplicate.

FORCE pipelines and drillers to shut down – thus stoking inflation even further, since energy is the base input for every product on the planet.

FORCE employers to pay wages far above prevailing market wages, leading to massive layoffs and inflation. Of course, if you are a favored member of the politburo, you get a special dispensation and thus an advantage over your competitors.

PRINT trillions of dollars out of thin air, thus expanding the supply of currency units while the amount of good and services remains static – resulting in inflation as more currency units chase limited goods.

FUN FACT – when Biden was elected, the price of gold was approximately $1,500 per ounce. It is now approaching $2,200 per ounce. A 46% increase in just over three years. Gold cannot be printed into existence and thus represents the TRUE depreciation of your purchasing power in dollars.

BLAME the ‘greedy corporations’ for the inflation YOU actually created.

FORCE prices lower through “price caps” – which ultimately results in shortages. This is simple economics and has been witnesses throughout history in socialist economies like Cuba, Venezuela and the old Soviet Union.

CENSOR freedom of the press (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc) by having the CIA and FBI in bed with these mega-tech companies to silence them about all the bad things your regime is doing. Instill fear into the population with a boogeyman like Covid then silence the opposition who (correctly) pointed out that HCQ, Ivermectin and other therapies worked while the “vaccine” did not.

FORCE a large percentage of the population to take an untested injection made by scumbags with immunity from liability – if they refuse, then fire them. Force millions of nurses, pilots and other critical workers to choose between making a living or potentially poisoning themselves.

ALLOW antifa goons to burn down city after city and call it “peaceful protests” then when a REAL protest happens after a very sketchy presidential election, fire tear gas on peaceful protestors, open the doors for them – but then later sic the FBI (your personal KGB) on everyone who was within a few miles of the scene. Throw them in jail for several years without a trial – kind of like the old Soviet Union.

BRAINWASH youth into believing garbage that is clearly not true (there are more than two genders, men can menstruate, etc) in an attempt to sow chaos, disruption and distrust among traditional nuclear families. Make the new religion wokeism and raise tranny and gay flags on every federal building and classroom.