Stacey Swann Has Joined Forces With Local Socialists. Remember Her? I Exposed Her 18 Months Ago As a Fraud. LEDC Wants More Like Her Moving Here.

About a year and a half ago, the LEDC posted some drivel (link to drivel) from a rabid left-wing Marxist from Austin named Stacey Swann.

Stacey Swann is the Kind of Liberal Worm the LEDC is Trying to Entice Here.

I think the gist of the whole thing was the LEDC showing us that hundreds of lefty retards moving to Lampasas wasn’t such a bad thing. Swann tried hard to make her stories sound like we should all just get along! Big City Libtards were going to just move out here and assimilate into Red Country. They’ll say “hello” to the neighbor, tousle the kid’s hair and share a patty melt at the local mom and pop restaurant…or some such horseshit.

I knew right away that was 100% Grade A baloney. I do not STAND for baloney…

Stacey Swann is a raging, far-left liberal. Just like Potato Head Fitzharris and Clayton Tucker. Those animals do not change their stripes. Ever. Even when they are stabbed in the heart and killed by one of their dear “oppressed” diverse street thugs, they say “thank you for ending my life,” like the complete pussies they are.

Since the LEDC was so oblivious, I did the digging for them. The result was a cornucopia of rabid lefty crap on social media from Miss Swann, despite her public writings about all just getting along. She ticked ALL the boxes with her posts: referring to “the insurrection,” sedition, trannies, fascism, racism, white guys are douchebags, forced masking, anti-Second Amendment, BLM, George Floyd, voter ID is racist, etc, etc, etc.

I knew that a ‘woman’ who was THAT big (pun intended) of a lefty could not just bury her inborn envy and bitterness.

She was clearly named after the wrong barnyard animal. Swans are beautiful and graceful. I am renaming her Stacey Pigg – loud, fat and disgusting. I bet she and Potato Head are bosom buddies already. Christ this town is being overrun by libshits in a hurry. Thanks LEDC!!

I was right, of course. Here we are 18 months later and Miss Pigg has joined Comrade Clayton Tucker’s Band of Merry Socialist Morons.

It is no surprise she quickly glommed onto Comrade Clayton Tucker and the rest of the local socialists who spend their days trying to destroy the American way with dirty, filthy, evil socialist bullshit:

Stacey Pigg: “Yeah, I’m just looking to move into a nice little small town and be a reasonable, patriotic red-blooded American. No need to bring up all the Marxist poison and bile I spew daily. That’s why I am joining a group run by rabid lefties who think the border wall is “silly” and “racist,” who say that Austin should be a sanctuary city and who think drag shows for 5-year-olds is a good thing.”

Fuck you Stacey, you kumbaya-singing fraud. You’re in league with the enemy now. I don’t know who the rest of these clowns are (outside of Comrade Clayton and his mommy) but I’ll tell you now I hate you all. I’m going to mock you until you cry…and then mock you for crying.

Chairman of Lampasas Democrats Fawns Over America-Hating, Socialist Scum

Leave it to the chair of the Lampasas Democratic Party Clayton Tucker (an admitted socialist and Bernie Sanders acolyte) to fawn over a socialist scumbag who wants to turn America into a third-world shithole like the one she came from:

Quite the couple! Both have NEVER had a real job in the private sector, despite being alive for a combined 70 years! Adorable.

I love how impressed Comrade Clayton is that she went from refugee to CONGRESSWOMAN. Like that is the pinnacle of human achievement. I’m here to tell you that 90% of congressmen/women are certified retards. If Maxine Waters has an IQ over 87, I’ll eat a bowl of my own shit.

But that’s Clayton Tucker for you. It’s not impressive to come over as a refugee and become an electrical engineer or chemist or brain surgeon. But weaseling your way to congress and then working non-stop to kill the Constitution and institute a socialist hellhole is something he truly admires and can get behind.

Far from being admired as an inspiration, Omar should be despised as a traitor to America. She escaped to America from a third-world shithole and instead of kissing the ground and counting her blessings, she instead refuses to assimilate and is doing everything in her power to change America into a third-world dump like her homeland.

Some balls on this chick. She wins the lottery by escaping from Somalia to America but instead of thanking anyone, she instead shits on America as a racist country and then demands Congress change their 181-year ban on headware just for her. Can you imaging moving to, say, Japan and making similar ridiculous demands as an American? They’d (rightfully) laugh in your face and tell you to shut your mouth.

Anyone born in a foreign country should be banned from EVER holding national office. If that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, then feel free to stay in Somalia or Haiti or whatever dump of a country you are trying to immigrate from. You wanna come here and work hard and be an AMERICAN who loves and reveres the Constitution? I welcome you with open arms. Otherwise – fuck right off.

This woman is a piece of shit and a menace. She wants to hand out billions to people for doing nothing and she’d love nothing more than to get rid of more police officers.

She also married her brother.

What an embarrassment for every single self-proclaimed Democrat in Lampasas county. The chairman of your party is an avowed socialist and has publicly fawned over scum like Bernie Sanders and Ilhan Omar, among others.

That means the chairman of your party in an un-American scumbag – and by the transitive property, that makes YOU an un-American scumbag.