Tim-Walz-Worshipping Socialist Worm Clayton Tucker FINALLY Speaks a True Sentence.

Clayton SURE does love that communist, insane piece of shit Tim Walz! They have so much in common – right down to drinking the semen of barnyard animals, I’ll bet!

Fake rancher Clayton Tucker has words of advice for his fellow Gen Z numb nuts out there!

Never doubt they mean what they say” – SO TRUE, buddy!

Of course, Trump didn’t “write up” Project 2025 – the Heritage Foundation did. Trump disavowed it. Which is unfortunate, because there is a ton of good shit in there – like tossing 8 million scumbag illegals out on their ears.

But you know who DID say a bunch of scary shit that you should DEFINITELY be worried about? Kamabla Harris! Here is some of the shit she is ON RECORD and ON VIDEO saying she wants to do:

Eliminate private health insurance and implement “single payer” (socialized, government-run) health care. This alone is reason enough not to vote for her. If you want to see government-run, “free” healthcare, look at the NHS in the U.K. – it is a complete fucking disaster.

Give amnesty to the millions of third-world, welfare-sucking, law-breaking scumbags who have waltzed over our borders.

Ban fracking.

Implement a wealth tax.

Massively increase corporate taxes – which will be passed on to YOU the consumer.

Reparations payments to blacks. Hilarious since my family NEVER owned any slaves but Kamabla’s family sure did!!

More Green New Deal bullshit and forced conversion to electric fagmobiles.

Price controls to “punish” the “greedy” grocery stores!

Not to mention a gaggle of other stupid shit like packing the Supreme Court, getting rid of the Electoral College, cracking down on free speech and other socialist pipe dreams.

Oh – and all the war mongers LOVE her! I hope Comrade Clayton is as enthusiastic about being conscripted to go fight somewhere overseas as he is about voting for this moron Kamala. Because I’ll be sure to alert the local draft board that there is a war-loving, doughy leprechaun socialist over on Western Ave living with mom who is available to be mowed down by machine gun fire.