Local Socialist Bum Now Sponging Mom’s Truck?

Comrade Clayton Tucker – who is the Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party and SDEC-24 TX – appears to have sponged off his mother yet again.

It’s not enough that she gave him life, paid $80,000 for his useless “International Relations” college degree AND lets him live in her house at the ripe old age of almost 33 years old. I think she may have also handed him her truck…

Yeah, because high-speed rail makes SO much sense out in rural areas. Fucking moron.

Wait a sec – “YOUR” truck? You don’t have a truck. You drive this laughable turd that only a female would be caught dead in…

Now, I KNOW that Comrade Clayton didn’t go out and buy a truck on his own. He can’t even afford his own place to live and doesn’t have a real job. So either Daddy sold him Red Thunder (the truck he tried to sell photos of) for $1 and now Red Thunder is HIS (very doubtful)…


Mommy signed over her little orange truck to Comrade Clayton so he can look the part of Fake Rancher. I guess the 2014 diesel died on him. This will be VERY easy to find out. I’m going to be bored with the rain ruining outside work this week, so I think I’ll do a little research into WHO exactly owns the trucks over there.

What’s really embarrassing is that Comrade Clayton – who never shuts up about saving the planet and thinks heavily subsidized pinwheels are a great idea – lives in a family that owns THREE vehicles, TWO of which are “gas guzzling” internal combustion engine trucks! It’s especially hilarious because mom is retired from her cushy government job and Comrade Clayton “works virtually – so why do they need so many vehicles in the first place? Just another example of liberal greentard hypocrisy.

World’s first Virtual Rancher!

How awful for Mother Earth. Shouldn’t you be driving some electric fagmobile like a Prius or something? Douche bag.

Tucker Versus Tucker

Such a wit!

Don’t worry, bozo. You will NEVER be compared to Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson is smart, rich, educated, successful, adored by millions, reveres the Constitution, despises commies, knows the war in Ukraine is bullshit, knows the Covid vaccine is bullshit, knows J6 was bullshit, has sex with an actual female regularly, owns his own house and doesn’t live with his mom.

In other words, the complete opposite of you.

In fact, if I was presented with one of those “trolley dilemmas” where a trolley is barreling down the track and I have control of the switch and I can make the trolley go down one track with Clayton Tucker tied to the rails and the other track had a freshly-laid turd laid by Tucker Carlson, I would most definitely save the Carlson turd. No question.

Sophia DeLoretto-Chudy Is a Scumbag Commie “Teacher” Who Should Be Thrown Into a Wood Chipper.

Every day it gets crazier with these commies. This lunatic was in the news lately…

Commie scumbag from Oregon indoctrinating 3rd graders

The purple hair, the nose ring, the hyphenated last name, the crazy eyes. Always.

Anyways, according to her TikTok (always with the TikTok), this “Austin teacher” was just innocently trying to teach her 3rd graders about their “legal and constitutional rights” and the evil administrators had a talk with her about that. From the article:

“But my favorite amongst them is, ‘We’ve noticed an intentional attempt at teaching your students about their legal and constitutional rights.’ That’s the concern,” she reveals. “Why are you concerned? Why is that a concern? Why does that concern you?”

Sophie, who is “queer until proven straight,” is outspoken about human rights on her social media platforms. She covers a plethora of current events, including the Queer Capitol March and Texas legislation.

“I have no other choice but to be political. life is depending on it,” reads her Instagram bio. “unwilling to die for the dow. abortion advocate.”

First of all, you moron, 8-year-olds DO NOT HAVE any legal or Constitutional rights. They are minors. They have legal guardians. They cannot enter into contracts or vote or even drive a car. They are nowhere close to the age of majority.

You have “no other choice but to be political”? Wrong. In all my years of schooling (1970s and 80s), not ONCE did ANY teacher ever talk politics with me. Certainly not Mrs. Shearer, my third grade teacher.

Your job is to teach them fractions and spelling. Beyond that? SHUT THE FUCK UP, you commie freak.

But these commies cannot shut up. They spend every waking hour indoctrinating your child. Like Mao (Red Guards), Hitler (Hitler Youth) and Pol Pot (Khmer Rouge) before them, they know that little kids are ignorant, highly susceptible to brainwashing and capable of horrible cruelty. It is not a coincidence you are seeing crazy tranny shit and global warming propaganda being spread on TikTok to kids. It is very much by design.

As Lenin once said: “Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown shall never be uprooted”

We are now reaping their sowing. We have morons like Clayton Tucker and Greg Casar running around actively promoting socialism and destroying the very fabric of this country. There are millions of them. AOC, Greg Casar and Delia Ramirez are just the tip of the shitberg.

You wonder how so many complete idiots with zero life experience who have literally NEVER HELD A JOB (sound familiar?) are now in Congress wreaking havoc with garbage like the $100 trillion dollar “Green New Deal”? This is how. We have a generation now of voting age who are devoid of critical thinking and have been brainwashed by these commie scum. It doesn’t matter if Biden and Fetterman are mental vegetables, because “Racism! Fascism! Transphobia” and whatever the TikTok screen tells them. They would vote for an armadillo, if their iPhone screen told them the other guy is a racist transphobe who wants to destroy the climate.

This Sophia twat is not a public school teacher “just trying to inform kids about civics.” This is a professional communist agitator who only very recently became a “teacher” in order to indoctrinate little kids and get paid by the taxpayers to do it.

I can’t even find her in GovSalaries at Becker Elementary. This means she very likely started “teaching” just this past year. Probably because chanting commie slogans with the other losers doesn’t pay the rent.

Right Comrade Clayton??

Here is a look at her LinkedIn resume. She hails from Oregon by way of California (of course) and was involved in multiple far-left organizations until recently. She was also heavily involved in “registering and turning out voters for the special elections of Rev. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff to the U.S. Senate, determining the control of the chamber” just over a year ago. She is a straight-up commie carpetbagger.

Oregon, California and the Georgia special senate election all in the last four years. Yeah, she’s just a committed Texas teacher who cares about your kids and innocently wants to teach them about their “legal rights” – NOT some commie freak jumping from state to state brainwashing your kids.

Yeah right, bitch. Lemme guess which legal rights you’re pushing. The “right” to be called by a made-up pronoun and have your dick or breasts chopped off without telling mom and dad? Maybe the “right” to get the ‘vaccine’ without mom and dad’s consent? Fuck you.

When the great state of Texas finally decides to secede and get away from these lunatics, commie scum like Sophia need to be rounded up, deported and permanently banned from ever entering the Great Republic of Texas ever again.

Today is Tax Day

The day when greedy unemployed bums like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX shout at you to “pay your fair share” while they pay NOTHING AT ALL.

  • The average income tax rate in 2020 was 13.6 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 25.99 percent average rate, more than eight times higher than the 3.1 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers.

  • The top 1 percent’s income share rose from 20.1 percent in 2019 to 22.2 percent in 2020 and its share of federal income taxes paid rose from 38.8 percent to 42.3 percent.

  • The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.

Remember: mouthy Marxist asswipes like Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX are in the BOTTOM 50 percent – paying practically nothing.

Socialist Maggot is Queen Of Bad Analogies

You can always count on the socialist maggot to throw out a completely idiotic “comparison” that misses every point and makes no sense. What else do you expect from the brain-dead?

A few months ago, she compared paying back what you agreed to borrow to “drinking polluted water”:

Now she’s back, trying (like every lefty scumbag in the country right now) to explain how the Jan 6th “armed insurrection” was the “worst threat to democracy in American history”, when newly-released video clearly shows the cops opening doors, giving tours, and the great majority of people behaving themselves.

It depends. Will you all have a police escort, too? Like Q Anon Shaman did?

This concern about entering places you aren’t supposed to be is especially rich, coming from Comrade Clayton – who thinks border walls are evil and racist. She is fine with illiterates and criminals from Haiti and Honduras waltzing into the U.S. and being handed free shit. I wonder how many illegals Comrade Clayton has invited to live at his parents’ house for free – like he does.

First of all, the Capitol building is a public space. My house is not. You can’t trespass on public property, bro. My name is on the mortgage, so to speak, if you want to use this analogy, so I’ll walk in there if I damn well please.

Secondly, I don’t think anyone on the right ever said it was “no big deal”. I’ve heard them say that a lot of the people were let into the building. I’ve also heard them say the protesters had no chance of actually affecting the election. I’ve also heard them say that holding people indefinitely without trial is tyranny. I’ve never heard anyone say it was no big deal.

When shitheads riot and vandalize and destroy property, you arrest them. Well, unless they are with Antifa – then you let them out immediately and Kamala Harris pays your bail.

But you charge THEM with vandalism – not every single person who happened to be wandering around in the 100,000 square feet around them.

And our point wasn’t that you shouldn’t punish the people who destroyed stuff. It was that you lefty morons called this an “armed insurrection” and “deadly insurrection” and anyone who was there was a “traitor” or terrorist and had to be thrown into solitary for years without a trial.

So now if you protest at the Capitol, you are a “traitor”. You know who the REAL traitors are? Socialist scumbags who are working non-stop to destroy America with bullshit stories about “insurrections”.

No officers died that day at the hands of the “mob” despite the left repeating that lie 1000 times since. No guns or rifles or even knives were brandished by the crowd. The lone murder was that of an innocent unarmed woman by a Capitol police officer – let’s see THAT video, btw.

I’ll admit it was very odd that so many Capitol police officers committed suicide in the weeks and months afterwards – close to 1000x the national average. This tells me they were either wracked with guilt over perpetuating the “insurrection” lies their scumbag bosses (Pelosi/Schumer) made them tell…OR they were murdered to clean up any loose ends, like in Goodfellas after the Lufthansa Heist.

Either way, we all saw the video. We all know the left are the biggest pieces of shit in human history. Most of us knew this already. The question now is whose ass is going to be kicked over all of this. Every single piece of shit who sat on than Jan 6th committee should be thrown into solitary confinement for the next 2 years.

That’s just for starters.

I Challenge Socialist Bum Clayton Tucker To a Bet

Well, local socialist maggot and fake rancher Clayton Tucker of Lampasas is finally re-tweeting and yapping about his hero and fake Mexican Robert Francis O’Rourke.

He and Robert are close. Verrry close, if you know what I mean:

Always with the man purse!

Anyways, I think socialist scumworm Clayton Tucker of Lampasas really thinks that Robert has a chance of becoming governor in November.

I would therefore like to offer a very public wager on this. I know that Clayton Tucker of Lampasas Texas reads here regularly, and I’d like to give him a chance to make a real return on the allowance his parents pay him every Sunday.

Here you go, Clayton: you can bet on Robert to be our next governor AND I’ll give you 4-1 odds. How does that sound? I’ll do it for as much as you can borrow from your mom and dad. Just run downstairs and ask them real quick. Deal?

Email me at lampasshole@protonmail.com, chump.

What Do You Give To The Kid Who Already Demands Everything For Free?

It’s tough to shop for a socialist weasel like Lampasas County Chairman Clayton Tucker. But I think I found something that will look nice on his tree. Or rather, his parents’ tree – since he still lives in the upstairs room at mom and dad’s house at 208 S. Western Street here in Lampasas:

I know Clayton Tucker (an avowed socialist and lover of foreign traitors) is partial to Ramadan and other Muslim nonsense….

……but the least he can do is walk downstairs from his parents’ upstairs bedroom where he lives and put an ornament on the tree. Right comrade??

There actually was a very long list of potential Christmas presents I could have gotten for Comrade Clayton. Things he needs badly:

A job

A history book about the dangers of socialism and communism

A gym membership

A dictionary

A clue

Local Socialist Maggot Clayton Tucker Smears Texas Congressman

The 30-year-old, able-bodied unemployed bum who lives upstairs at his parents’ house at 208 S Western Street STILL thinks there was an “insurrection” on January 6th. He thinks Louis Gohmert is an “embarrassment” who “needs to go”:

Why would he think this? Why does socialist Clayton Tucker cling to the falsehood that there was an “insurrection” on January 6th? After all, none other than the nation’s Attorney General admitted a few days ago that not a SINGLE ONE of the people charged on Jan 6th were charged with “insurrection” after Louis Gohmert himself made Garland look like a complete fool on national TV. Not one. That is a pile of made-up bullshit the dems keep repeating like parrots in order to draw away from the fact they stole an election last November.

He believes it because he is a very, very dumb person.

Socialist bum Clayton Tucker gets his information from a website called “Texas Signal” – a sad liberal fishwrapper run by fellow commies. THEY got THEIR information from a Rolling Stone article that was sourced by….wait for it…”anonymous sources”:

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-1) was one of several Republican members of Congress who helped plan the January 6 pro-Trump rally that led to an insurrection, according to a bombshell report by Rolling Stone. The report cited two anonymous sources, one of whom was referred to as a “rally organizer” and the other as “a planner,” who claimed they participated in planning meetings involving members of Congress and White House staff ahead of the attack. 

BAHAHAHAHA. AGAIN with the anonymous sources? Didn’t you dummies learn your lesson with the whole “Trump is a Putin agent” and the Steele dossier? You spent YEARS repeating an obvious falsehood then looked like complete fools when it all unraveled.

Of course, socialist dummies like Clayton Tucker will believe anything – which is why he runs around in a mask despite being vaccinated.

This isn’t the first time socialist bum Clayton Tucker (who is also the Chairman of Lampasas County Democrats) has made baseless and false accusations against Texas politicians. He was mad at Ted Cruz for the same reason and wanted everyone to sign a petition to get rid of him:

Unemployed maggot libels a sitting U.S. Senator by accusing him of engaging in insurrection

You make me laugh, Clayton Tucker, you socialist bum and Bernie Sanders lover. You remind me of a teenaged girl running for class president who tries to get everyone to sign a petition to make the cafeteria serve more pizza at lunch or something. LOL. Total loser.