Did I spell that right? Oops – I’m talking about SIEMENS – the German conglomerate that is losing billions making idiotic pinwheels.

There has been this narrative that wind-farm costs are falling and will keep falling, but the reality is these prices are too low. Turbine manufacturers have effectively been selling at a loss – and those losses have become huge.
That is why Comrade Clayton just ADORES semen…I mean SIEMENS. They are just like an old socialist Soviet-style company that produces dogshit product commanded by political morons instead of the free market. Siemens would be bankrupt without massive subsidies (YOUR tax dollars) propping it up.
Oh, and on top of it all, their turbines are failing at an alarming rate.
Massive Energy Corporation Says Up To 30% Of Its Wind Turbines Could Be Malfunctioning
So to recap:
Pinwheels use a MASSIVE amount of concrete, iron, copper, neodymium (4400 pounds per pinwheel) and other mined-metals and rare earth metals to construct.
Their fiberglass blades wear out in 20 years or so and are then LANDFILLED. Nice.
Each pinwheel needs evil OIL to stay lubricated and requires a LOT of maintenance.
They cost so much that they have to be subsidized by YOU to the tune of tens of billions of dollars.
Their power output varies WILDLY with wind speed, making grid balance much harder to maintain. This destablizes the grid and requires a SECOND entire duplicate power–generation infrastructure.
Power output is ZERO is the wind is not blowing – which happens plenty. Therefore an EQUAL amount of reliable gas/oil powered generation equipment has to be built in case the wind isn’t blowing – thus costs increase dramatically.
At any given time, 30% of those pinwheels which make no sense and you overpaid for AREN’T EVEN FUNCTIONAL!
Sure sounds like a shitty deal to me. When your electric bills keep rising further and further over the next decade, you can thank THIS unemployed, socialist Siemen-loving moron for emptying your wallet:

Remember – all this “carbon zero” horseshit and trillions in spending is supposedly to MAYBE lower the temperature 100 years from now by a degree or two. Of course, they’ve been wrong about everything else…what makes you think they have any clue this time??
1960s – Oil gone in 10 yrs
1970s – Ice age in 10 yrs
1980s – Acid rain will kill all crops in 10 yrs
1990s – Ozone layer will disappear in 10 yrs
2000s – Ice caps will be gone in 10 yrs
NONE of these things happened – but ALL of them resulted in more taxes and less liberty.