It Took Less Than 60 Days For Local Socialist Moron To Contradict Himself Once Again.

Local socialist Clayton Tucker (Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party SDEC-24 TX) is absolutely amazed by the things the free market creates. Things that ass-backwards socialist regimes like the USSR, North Korea and Cuba would never in a million years create….

As usual, Clayton Tucker is about 6 years behind the times. Back in 2018, AI was already reading film as well as a radiologist – and it’s about 10,000 times faster.

Then again, this idiot thinks WINDMILLS are the future of energy production, and they were invented about 1,500 years ago.

Theoretically, the price of medical care should plummet as stuff like this (and DaVinci the surgical robot) becomes more widespread. But don’t worry – fuckheads like Clayton Tucker who LOVE Big Government will be sure to push for laws and regulations that will kill that baby in the cradle.

[ROBOTIC ANESTHESIA REALLY IS COMING – article from almost 4 years ago!]

Not to mention we have had WebMD for over 20 years now. In the first quarter of 2020, WebMD received approximately 127 million unique users viewing over 229 million page views per month.

But we already knew that our local socialist had a child-like mind. After all, he believes in Santa Claus, only he calls it “free government stuff.”

What’s even more hilarious, is Clayton Tucker was vehemently OPPOSED to AI back on July 16th – when it hurts moron Hollywood liberals and union members:

Yes, we don’t want AI to take a job away from some low-IQ twat like Sean Penn or Ed Norton or Dan Rather. That would be unconscionable. Clayton Tucker’s suggestion is “not allowing” that to happen. Of course, it’s going to happen whether Clayton Tucker (the random 32-year-old guy who lives with his mom in a small town in Texas) wants it to or not.

Quite frankly, I very much look forward to a time when quasi-retarded clowns like Matt Damon and Cher are mopping floors at the local high school because computers can easily generate pretty faces for pennies and there is no longer demand for human pretty faces.

But Clayton Tucker is FINE with AI putting doctors out of work! This can only be because Hollywood liberals and journalists are about 93% libtards whereas highly skilled doctors probably tend to skew a lot more towards “conservative,” right comrade??

Of course, if/when AI replaces small town clown “doctors” like James Cain, I will applaud that as well.