Anti-America, Socialist Cockroach Clayton Tucker Tries To Use Football Meme To Push Commie Agenda – Fails Badly.

If America-hating socialist Clayton Tucker (SDEC-24 TX) knows who even ONE of those two guys are in the picture, I’ll eat a bowl of my own shit:

Socialist, America-hating nerds like Clayton Tucker should stay away from NFL memes. I guarantee you Clayton Tucker was not watching the greatest Superbowl ever played last night. He was not screaming at his TV set over red-zone fumbles. He was not cashing 10-1 prop bets on overtime or cheering for Purdy to throw one more fucking pass to hit the over 30.5 attempts or doubling down on KC -3 at halftime.

He was doing none of those things.

He was “manning” a socialist propaganda booth at a Texas Democratic Women’s Convention – which might be one of the gayest things I’ve ever heard of. Better add it to The List:

As you can see, he is with his usual Bernie Bro Kristi Lara – the Dallas commie.

I’d almost admire this move, if I thought he was going to this convention and only acting like a soy boy just to try and bang some chicks. Kristi Lara even has a little Sarah Palin thing going on there – that is, if Sarah Palin ate a few dozen boxes of Girl Scout cookies, got 6 Covid booster shots and then got hit in the face with a frying pan.

The other chicks aren’t really anything to write home about, though…

But sadly, Comrade Clayton is there because he is a hardcore commie termite and actually BELIEVES all of this shit.

Let’s see what kind of drivel the Texas Democrat Women tend to promote:

Jesus Christ. They’re actually CELEBRATING mentally ill men dressing up as women and beating the shit out of REAL women in all sporting events. These people are deranged.

Socialist Vermin Clayton Tucker Still Consumed With Envy. Lacks Self-Awareness.

You can’t get much LESS self-aware than this bum is….

Asks the guy who has never worked a real job for a big company

You should look inward and ask some big questions all right:

Why am I still living with my mom at age 33? Why am I consumed with envy over what some CEO makes when it doesn’t affect me one bit? Why do I not have gainful employment at age 33?

When am I going to stop pretending to be a rancher and get a real job? Why am I posting commie drivel on the Internet at 10am on a work day when I should be at a job doing something productive and providing a roof over my own head instead of sponging off of mom?

Why can’t I get laid? Why am I obsessed with having 15 different titles which pay me $0 and convey zero prestige in the real world? Why didn’t I learn a real skill over the last 12 years of my prime earning life?!?

All good questions…and they will never be asked by Comrade Clayton.

You are on the wrong side of 30, son. You have already missed your prime earning years:

You are going to end up like THIS fucking loser in about 20 years. Holding lots of useless titles but begging for money on the Internet for your annual prostate exam because you spent your prime earning years standing on the corner like a retarded street urchin demanding free shit….

Oh wait. You already did that…

Socialism is simply the religion of the malcontent. It’s a group of bitter people who use their anger to enrich themselves while putting society to the torch. Shit heads like Clayton Tucker aren’t “progressive” – they are religious zealots.

Robert Francis O’Rourke Takes Money From Companies That Support “Anti-Gay Politicians” – Whatever That Means

The little commie is stirred up today!

Clayton Tucker SDEC-24 TX, Chairman of Lampasas Democratic Party (who may or may not be gay) is ANGRY that some big corporations donate to “anti-gay politicians” – whatever that means. I’m guessing it means politicians who have come out publicly against child mutilation – a barbaric practice that the Chairman of the Lampasas Democratic Party is most definitely in favor of.

Well shit, I literally JUST got rid of AT&T because they are a dogshit company. I may have to go back to them now! I’ll also bet you a MILLLLIIION DOLLARS that Comrade Clayton (as well as his mom and dad, who he lives with) have used Amazon many, many times over the course of the last few years.

AT&T and Amazon? Didn’t they donate to Robert Francis O’Rourke? Why yes, yes they did. They were among his top six biggest donors!!

[I’m also curious to know why the University of California is squandering their money on a clown running for governor in Texas who had zero chance of winning. I guess that’s the “California Way” or something.]

So somehow this money is preventing you guys from having buttsex?

Who is this “O’Rourke” fellow, you ask? Well, he is another guy who never had a real job but thinks he should be running your life. A year ago, Clayton Tucker was a huge fan! Such a huge fan, in fact, that he took photos with him whenever possible…

NAMBLA recruiting poster

“Robert’s ass in one hand and my purse in the other. Heaven.”