When you have a low IQ, you make a lot of dumb mistakes.
For instance, you forget which lies you previously told in newspaper interviews, you forget what your current fake job supposedly is, and you completely forget to put fake jobs on your resume and have to go back and do it later.
Here is his resume as shown in March 2021 – ZERO mention of “ranch manager” in 2016:

Here is his resume NOW. He had to go back and insert “ranch manager” to cover for his previous lies:

It must be exhausting.
He also listed his occupation as “political organizer” when he applied to run for City council back in March of 2021. I guess he forgot he was a “rancher” then too!

Of course, since local socialist Clayton Tucker spends all day sitting at his laptop in mom and dad’s upstairs bedroom, that’s the most exhausting thing he does.
Apparently, the Internet went out for a little while yesterday. I didn’t know this because I have Viasat satellite Internet that only really goes down in a huge thunderstorm every now and then.
Clayton Tucker predictably went insane about it (as he always does). During his usual petulant tantrum about how “the Internet is a RIGHT” and “should be a utility” (as if utilities don’t sometimes fail as well), he slipped up once again talking about his ‘job’:

You work virtually? I thought you were a rancher!!
So is it like one of those “virtual” ranches? Like on Facebook or something, where your fake friends visit your virtual ranch and feed the fake goats digital hay or something? Fascinating.
Oops, Clayton. Huge oops.
You must be the ONLY ‘rancher/farmer/cowboy‘ who spends SO much time sitting at his laptop, that he just happened to be on the computer all three times the Internet has failed over the last 12 months.
Tucker then whines that due to the Internet being down, he can’t use credit cards, “debt” (I think he means DEBIT cards) or Apple pay! The horror!
First off, only girls and douchebags use Apple Pay.
Secondly, back in the old days, we had NONE of those things. Literally none of them. We went REAL old school and carried CASH, you wuss. Hell, your parents’ house (where you live) is LITERALLY three blocks from First Texas Bank.
What a lazy asshole. Then again, he IS a socialist. Kind of comes with the territory.
Instead of REAL old school, Clayton goes “old lady” old school and carries his checkbook around with him. I bet his checks are imprinted with Bernie Sanders or Tweety Bird images too.
Naturally, two or three of his fellow losers commented on his post, saying “we need to end this monopoly!”
Ummm…there is no monopoly, you retards. You have a TON of choices now. Hell, Nextlink is supposedly doing 130 to 170 installs PER WEEK. Call Viasat. Or Hughesnet. Or Suddenlink. Or use your cell phone as a mobile hotspot.
Bunch of fucking babies.