I’m thinking that maybe the Business Park has been transformed into a Trailer Park and Bubbles is now in charge of everything…

That’s the only conclusion I can draw when the LEDC claims their land is now worth $130,000 per acre.

$520,000 divided by 4 give us $130,000.
I guess that means the Industrial Park over on 580 is worth over $700,000! That would be the Industrial Park that STILL sits empty despite us being told almost a year ago that Martin Custom & Rod was about to move in there and build a distillery and barber shop.
LOL. I’m sorry. I can never type those words without laughing my balls off. Maybe they were smoking the same shit last year when they came up with that one.
Just to give you an idea how ludicrous that valuation is, Mike Cour (Eco-Strong scumbag) tried to sell HIS 199 acres just a spit down the street from the Business Pork. He listed it at $6 million ($30k per acre), a pending sale fell through, he re-listed it at $5 million ($25k per acre) and it still sits there unsold.

That was about six months ago. Interest rates have done nothing but go up since then and land prices have cooled considerably. Forget about $130,000 per acre.
Now, land is eventually worth exactly what someone will pay for it – not a penny more. Perhaps some incredibly stupid Arab or Chinaman will come along and pay those prices, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
At those prices, the entire Business Pork is now worth between $19 million and $21 million, depending on who you believe when it comes to the actual acreage out there.
To which I say, it’s the weekend! Save me a toke!!