Socialist Mouse-Jiggler Poses For Photo Op On Shiny Tractor.

Fake rancher and real socialist Comrade Clayton Tucker needs to start filling his timelines with a LOT of photos of him “ranching” if he’s going to run for Ag Commissioner in 2026. So I suspect we will see a lot more of these “look at me working!” photo ops in the future.

I sometimes wonder who the dipshit is who takes these ridiculous photos. Or does he have one of those Selfie Sticks that he puts his phone on or something? I find it hard to believe mom follows him around snapping all these photos for him….

So the 33-year-old, fifth-generation rancher just now figured out there’s a better way to dig holes? LOL. I remember about 11 years ago I had to plant a bunch of peach trees. After pounding caliche a few times and breaking the tip of my shovel (not to mention destroying my 43-year-old back), I broke down and bought a used gas-powered auger for about $130. If you plan on digging more than 10 holes in your life out here, then it makes sense.

So either comrade Clayton dug a TON of holes by hand and only now figured it out after many years (i.e. he’s a moron) OR he’s lying about digging a bunch of holes in the first place (i.e. he’s lazy and a compulsive liar).

He’s been caught lying about two dozen times so far, so I’m going to go with “liar.”

But that’s not what is weird about this photo. Something else looked wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it right away, but then it hit me: that tractor (which Dad/Grandpa bought AT LEAST two years ago) is spotless! Not a clump of dirt or speck of dust on it! Amazing. Look at those rear tires and wheel wells…they look like they just came off the showroom floor!

I keep my tractor in a shed and out of the elements but it still looks like this:

And I’m not even a fifth-generation rancher! Just a first-generation Lampasshole who puts maybe 25 hours a season on that thing. I also had to save money and buy a used one because I don’t still have a Dad buying all my shit for me.

Also note that mister “I love American union workers” is riding on a Japanese Yanmar tractor…and not a John Deere. Too bad, because Deere apparently needed the business:

John Deere to lay off roughly 600 employees from three US factories

But this is a scumbag hypocrite socialist we are talking about here, so what do you expect?

Drill those holes, mouse jiggler!!! I bet Sid Miller doesn’t take pictures of himself doing mundane chores around his grandpa’s property, however. Better step up your game! Maybe getting that website up and selling some beef would do the trick!