Lampasas County Covid Reporting Is Very Shoddy – PART II

Imagine the following two Covid death reports about the same person. The first is how I imagine Misti Talbert would post it on Facebook:

“We lost another precious soul over the weekend. A woman in her 50s”

Sounds scary, right? I mean, hell…I’m in my 50s! I could be next! This virus is killing everyone! Better cancel school and climb back into my mother’s womb to be safe.

Here is how BURNET COUNTY reported the very same death back on May 28th. it was the first death in the county and it is an OUTSTANDING example of how it SHOULD be done. Misti take note:

Burnet County Judge James Oakley said the county’s first death was a 57-year-old woman who was a resident of Bertram Nursing Home. Judge Oakley said the death happened on the afternoon of May 26.

The woman had been bedridden with cardiovascular disease for an extended time and was paralyzed from a stroke, according to the judge. She was also a cigarette smoker. The woman died from rapid onset pneumonia and posthumously tested positive for COVID-19.

Wow. Paints quite a different picture, doesn’t it? After reading this article, you realize this poor woman already had one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel, to quote my dear 83-year-old Dad. And while I sympathize with the family and realize this was somebody’s beloved sister or mother, you cannot ignore the fact that the death of a very sickly person from Covid is worlds away from, say, a healthy 12-year-old boy.

Hardly the ‘deadly plague’ that has caused people to absolutely lose their minds and throw hot coffee or mace into the faces of those who refuse to buy into this ridiculous mask crap.

If OUR county was as honest as this in their reporting, who knows….Bruce Haywood might even let his teen aged daughter (who has a higher risk of being hit by lightning than dying of Covid) attend school in person. Parents of an 8-year-old might rethink the wisdom of strapping a diaper on their kid’s face for 8 hours a day at school.

How about it Misti? Ready to actually LEAD instead of playing secretary and hitting COPY/PASTE on crappy Covid reporting? The information is out there. It’s YOUR job to get it to the people so they can act rationally with FULL INFORMATION.