Over Last Ten Years: Pool Salaries DOWN 6% – Finley Salary UP 59%…IT Salaries UP 68%

If Finley is still wondering why nobody wants to work at the pool this summer (they have gotten 2 applications to fill 28-32 positions) look no further than how he has treated them versus how he has treated himself:

For the 2012/2013 budget, the Hanna Pool had a “seasonal salary” budget of $80,000 [see page 36]

For the 2022/2023 budget, the Hanna Pool had a “seasonal salary” budget of $75,000 [see page 37]

That is a DECREASE of 6.25% over TEN YEARS!!!

Finley, on the other hand, was VERY well taken care of.

In the 2012/2013 budget, Finley was hired at $94,500 [see page 18 – Full Time Salary]

PLUS $6,000 car allowance (about $12,000 in today’s dollars) PLUS full bennies PLUS cell phone

Right now, Finley makes $150,000 plus tons of bennies – that is a 59% increase over that period.

Let’s take a look at how our bloated IT Department has been treated over that same period:

In the 2012/2013 budget, the IT Department “Full Time Salary” was right about $90,000 [see page 24].

In the current 2022/2023 budget, the “Full Time Salary” is at $148,173 [see page 25]

That is a 68% increase!

Solution to current lifeguard staffing problem? Double salaries to where they belong (approximately $15/hr). This means they will need to find about $75,000 in the budget to pay these kids properly.

Luckily for City council, I have a detailed list of all the times you have miraculously found large sums before, so it should be no problem this time:

The $96,000 A/V system for council chambers comes to mind. You had a bid from Broadcast Works for around $35,000. You instead went no-bid with Azbell and blew an extra $60,000 right there.

You also went with a $128,000 elevator (for City Hall remodel again!) when there was a $96,000 bid on the table from Austin Elevator. That’s ANOTHER $30,000.

You sold a building for $75k then bought it back for $229k – City Hall building AGAIN. That’s over $150,000 squandered

You incinerated almost $170,000 on a pre-fab BATHROOM in Campbell Park….yet another no-bid project that could have been done for half of that. That’s about $80,000 wasted.

Mike White managed to find about $72,000 instantly in 2020 to provide “free” electricity to the businesses they forced closed due to Wuhan flu. Apparently there was just $72,000 laying around unused.

Rich developer Deorald Finney was handed “free” electrical hookups for this houses in Stone Valley – at a cost to the City of about $72,000 in lost fees.

S2M2 was handed $150,000 for THEIR housing development after FORMER CITY COUNCIL MEMBER “Greasy” Chris Harrison begged for it.

City council and the LEDC squandered $15,000 on three giant metal letters (LTX) that sit on a pedestal in the town square and supposedly attract throngs of tourists!

You recently handed Ryan Ward $38,840 for software to make his job slightly easier.

Pool Fans to Pay Price For Finley’s Crappy Lifeguard Wages And Refusal To Accept Labor Reality

I’ve brought it up over and over again for SIXTEEN MONTHS now: in THIS labor market, you have to dangle more than the bare minimum wage to the lifeguards or you were going to come up short. I even outlined how to come up with the money.

But Finley doesn’t hike wages for local high school kids even as he demands they have training and CPR certs. No, he only hikes wages of City Hall Nerf jobs like Economic Director.

This was an OBVIOUS problem months and months ago, but the Talbert Administration and Finley refused to fix it. They were too busy flushing six million dollars down the toilet on a vacant lot – no time to bump lifeguard wages up a buck or two.

Spinley even had the nerve to go on Rhonda Witcher’s radio show and brag about how “pools will be open this summer” as he took a victory lap.

I said at the time “I’ll believe it when I see it”

That was then, this is now:

Of course, pools ARE open in the strictly academic sense – in that you can swim there….sometimes. Just not on Sundays anymore. And you can’t use the slide sometimes (last Thursday) due to lack of staff. Oh, and we’ll be closed this entire Saturday.

I’ll bet you Finley’s left nut that this isn’t the last time this happens.