Holy shit.
Local socialist scumworm Clayton Tucker is running for the ‘job’ of SDEC. I had no idea what SDEC was, so I pretended to be a high school student working on a project when I emailed the current position holder – a moron named Dana Wright Rushing:
Hi there Dana!
I’m doing a project about Texas politics for high school. I’m wondering if being on the SDEC (as you are for District 24) is a paid position.
Thanks! Just trying to figure out how it all works
She responded to me as follows:
It’s not a paid position and none of the expenses incurred are reimbursed (mileage, meals, hotels, etc).
Thanks for asking!
Best Wishes,
Dana Rushing
So Comrade Clayton will be ‘earning’ a negative salary for this position. Sounds about right. I didn’t think it could get worse than his current situation where he holds a bunch of unpaid titles to make his resume look good while mom and dad let him live in their upstairs bedroom. I was wrong. This one actually COSTS money to do. LOL.
Like almost all progressives, Dana Rushing is quasi-retarded and clearly has mental issues:

She got two useless shots and wears a useless mask, all so she can signal on Facebook that she is better than you.
Like most weak-minded, old lady progressives (**cough ** Janet Crozier ** cough **), she believes in stupid pseudoscientific bullshit like mind reading and clairvoyance:

If you are stupid enough to go to a “clairvoyant medium” and waste your money, the last thing you should do is let that be known publicly. You should hide it in shame. But there she is actually REVIEWING a con artist! She is BRAGGING about being swindled. She is essentially saying “Jerry was an amazing scam artist! He fucked me good and hard! He took my money and fed me some amazing bullshit!”
Hmmm….where have I heard that kind of pseudoscientific babbling and stupidity before? Oh yeah…another moron liberal…

Knowing what I know about Crazier Crozier and watching her retarded antics for years now, I truly believe her statement about her learning more from the autistic kid than he learned from her.
She believes in other insanity too:

Gee….hard to believe she failed as a “life coach”. She really seems to have her shit together here.
You wonder why idiot libs believe every ridiculous thing they hear? Things like: masks work, Jan 6th was an insurrection, Trump is a Russian agent, Fauci is a genius, Biden doesn’t have dementia, inflation is Putin’s fault, solar panels can run everything, Bernie Sanders has all the answers, etc, etc?
It’s because their brains were wired wrong at birth. Janet Crazier Crozier, Bruce Haywire Haywood, this Dana idiot, Comrade Clayton. All victims of a sad kind of brain damage where they don’t understand how anything works and they have deluded themselves into thinking they’re smart.
They shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Period.