Time For Abbott To Grow Balls – Tell Federal Judge David Ezra To Fuck Himself. Do NOT Remove Buoys From Rio Grande.

If ever there was a time for Abbott to grow a ball sack, it is NOW. Biden and Mayorkas have left the border wide open – and the GOP is so dickless, they haven’t even started impeachment proceedings against EITHER ONE OF THEM, despite taking over the House 8 months ago!

Scumbag U.S. District Judge David Ezra called for the removal of buoys in the Rio Grande within 10 days. These buoys are about the only thing that have seemed to work in keeping out the hoards of illiterate third-world trash invading Texas. Trash from Haiti, from Iran, from Central Africa and every other shit hole that isn’t even CLOSE to us on a map – negating their “asylum” claims before they are even made. We do NOT share a border with any of those countries.

Instead of being thankful Texas is doing their job for them, Biden and his DOJ went to court to demand they are removed. I have no idea what their argument for doing so could possibly be, but the traitor David Ezra (a 76-year-old fossil) sided with the DOJ:

Well, time to take a page out of Joe Biden’s book. What does Joe do when the Supreme Court rules against him? He ignores them and does what he wants. Our side can’t play nice anymore.

Abbott tells the judge he will be ignoring that order and will be stationing the entire Texas national guard down there to protect the buoys. Maybe he casually mentions to every able-bodied man in Texas to grab a gun and join them down there.

Civil War 2.0 has been simmering in the court rooms and hidden away in the vote-counting rooms for almost three years now. Enough. If you pussy out on this, you’ll never get another chance. We’ll be overrun with scum, Texas turns blue and then it’s all over.