Paul Pelosi – Hammered Again

This has been such an awesome week. Elon triggering woke Twitter twats, firing the pricks that censored everything and now this “intruder” smashes a Pelosi in the head. Thank you God!!

“Hammer” used in Pelosi attack

This reminds me of the Tiger Woods incident back in like 2009. None of it made sense. He “fell asleep” and crashed. OK. You just KNEW it was all bullshit.

They both held hammers. This hammer. Thor and Odin roleplay. Gotta live when you’re married to Nancy.

This story has a TON of loose ends. It’s more fucked up than the Jussie Smollet story and sounds more like a gay lovers’ quarrel than anything else. I have zero doubt the truth will come out eventually. And it won’t be the current nonsense about a MAGA guy from Berkeley breaking in.

A militant nudist? They both had hammers? He didn’t attack Pelosi until the police arrived for a “wellbeing check”? Who called THAT in? The glass was broken from the inside? Holy shit, yes.

Yeah – he looks MAGA to me.

Get the popcorn!!!!

Waco ISD Superintendent Susan Kincannon Is A Scumbag And Child Abuser

Susan Kincannon is the wildly overpaid moron ($250,000 plus benefits) who currently holds the position of Superintendent for the Waco ISD.

Don’t let the “I’m just a fat, jolly grandma” façade fool you. This woman is a menace and needs to be fired.

She has decided – in defiance of the Governor’s orders – to institute a mask mandate for the Waco school system.

Waco public school students, teachers and staff will be required to wear masks beginning Monday due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Waco schools, Waco ISD Superintendent Susan Kincannon said Thursday.

In a letter to families and school employees, Kincannon said she will order face masks to be worn inside all schools and district buildings, noting that since classes started Monday, 55 people that had spent time at a campus or other facility had tested positive for COVID-19.

Oh no! Fifty-five positive tests! Not 55 sick people. Not 55 dead kids. No, just 55 people who have “tested positive” – no doubt using the thoroughly discredited and overly sensitive PCR test at 42 cycles.

Fifty-five positive tests in a school system with 14,500 students. In other words, literally 99.7% of students did NOT test positive. Clearly, this bitch was never a math teacher.

This woman then continues to lie her face off:

“In my visits to schools this week, I was heartened to see many (but by no means all) of our students and employees voluntarily wearing masks,” Kincannon wrote. “Masks have repeatedly been shown to reduce the spread of the virus, and increasing the number of people wearing masks will make our schools a safer place in the midst of this pandemic. We will continue to consult with medical experts and monitor both legal and public health developments. Right now, though, I believe that Waco ISD has to do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community.”

That is a bald-faced lie. There is no simpler way to state it. This woman is a liar who wants to smother kids in face diapers. That makes her a special kind of scumbag. If the Waco ISD school board had any balls whatsoever, she would be fired tomorrow for child abuse. She should lose her ridiculous $250,000 salary, her pension AND her freedom. She should be jailed as a child abuser.


This simple-minded tyrant is in charge of the educational opportunities of other people’s children. She is clearly unhealthy, does not take care of herself physically, and is choosing to smother herself with a face diaper despite being vaccinated. She clearly has a mental disorder

She is a political hack with no school-aged children attempting to hurt other people’s children.

I encourage ALL parents of kids in the Waco school system to ignore this half-wit. You should send your kids to school MASKLESS next week and see what they do. If your child is suspended or expelled, you now have grounds for a massive lawsuit. PARENTS are the ones who make medical decisions for their kids. NOT political hacks and half-wits like Susan Kincannon.

These people are evil and you shouldn’t feel the need to be nice or cordial to them. Remember that they are trying to abuse your children, they are your enemy, and they should be treated as such. Under no circumstances should you attempt to find common ground with them. They seek to destroy your way of life, and you should seek to destroy theirs.

Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez Is The Worst Kind Of California Locust Scumbag

There is nothing worse than a locust who moves to Texas from a liberal, high-tax state then tries to implement the same failed libtard policies here and “turn Texas blue”. I detest these locusts with the white-hot intensity of 1000 suns.

It’s even WORSE when the moron locust ADMITS they left their previous state due to “high cost of living” because that means they have identified the problem but are TOO STUPID to make the connection. Christ – a six-year-old child knows better.

I thought our own Janet Yoder Kraeff-Crozier was the worst offender (moved from Ohio to Austin and then Austin to Lampasas because “we couldn’t afford Austin”).

THIS locust “gets involved” by badgering City council to implement expensive recycling schemes and waste resources on a “community garden”

But there is a NEW Top Dummy who takes all the cake.

This moron’s name is MICHELLE D MOORE-RODRIGUEZ and she ticks ALL the scumbag locust boxes.

She first appeared on my screen a few weeks ago by publicly lambasting all Trump supporters as KKK members:

Oh! I get it! HO HO HO! Never mind that if Trump were REALLY a raging ‘racist’ and there was the tiniest shred of proof, the audio loop or video clip would be on auto-repeat on every news outlet in America. But it hasn’t been. So there isn’t any such proof. The only ‘proof’ is that Trump tried to enforce immigration laws ALREADY on the books and keep out ILLEGALS.

Naturally, a moron of California locust Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez’s caliber cannot make the distinction between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration:

So, I despised her immediately. I’ll admit, the hyphenated last name didn’t help either. So I went digging to see what kind of moron we were dealing with. Turns out, a CALIFORNIA TRANSPLANT moron! Shocker!! Not only that – she worked as a government bureaucrat IN A TAX COLLECTION AGENCY!!!! She is LITERALLY the problem HERSELF! What an absolute CRETIN!

What an absolute BAG OF SHIT you are, Michelle D Moore-Rodriguez. Instead of moving here, why not just head keep on driving and head on up to New York City? Or perhaps over to that shit hole Portland Oregon? You’d be much happier there with the other “woke” crybabies and douchebags.

Instead, you come HERE to Texas and spend ALL day on Facebook whining about how horrible we all are. If America is such a hopelessly “racist” place, why are DROVES of people from other countries trying to sneak in here? Morons like Michelle can never figure that one out.

She can’t even get her insults straight! I’m pretty sure she meant “uneducated” here…but is too stupid to check her work before posting it:

No Michelle – YOU are the shit show. You and your fellow commie, pinko libtards. PLEASE do us all a favor and head BACK to Commiefornia. We don’t need your brand of stupid here.

The face of the idiot left and California scumbag locusts everywhere

Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts Back on Facebook Pushing Overpriced Laxatives

As I watched Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts pushing laxatives (CorVive CorRenew product) and lying with almost every breath he took on his latest CorVive Facebook video, it occurred to me he might have made a great politician. If he wasn’t so short and fat, he might have had a chance to be a world-class, government-paid liar and maybe U.S. Senator instead of a sad, lumpy clown who pushes overpriced laxatives to suckers via Facebook video. It takes a special kind of scumbag to spout such absolute nonsense with a straight face. Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts is just such a scumbag.

In his latest video, Meatball Fouts not only tells everyone they should take his laxative every single morning because it removes all those pesky “toxins and chemicals” (lie) but he also intimates that it can probably reduce colon cancer as well! Wow. Meatball will stoop as low as he needs to in order to get your money.

Here is a transcript of his latest lies (8:32 mark in the video):

“Everyone today is struggling with their diets…with stress….they are struggling with going to the bathroom on a regular basis, that’s why colon cancer is so much on the rise…

Stop right there for a moment. See how casually he throws out these lies and unfounded statistics? That is why you shouldn’t trust this scum bag and it is why any grown adult who is selling this garbage should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves. He just makes up complete lies on the fly without batting an eye. I don’t know how any of you sleep at night – even P.T Barnum would be ashamed to go this far with his hucksterism.

Colon cancer is NOT “so much on the rise”. Colon cancer has been DECREASING STEADILY for DECADES. Nice try, Meatball. Even if colon cancer WAS an exploding epidemic, your shitty, overpriced laxative isn’t going to do anything about it, except line the pockets of Jeremy “Meatball” Fouts and dirty the toilets of a lot of gullible suckers.

This is how Meatball Fouts, the midget snake, operates all the time: FIRST he throws out a ridiculous, demonstrably false claim (“colon cancer is on the rise” or “the leading cause of weight gain is failure to pass waste from your body”) THEN he offers his shitty, overpriced pills and says they will solve this fake problem – even though there is ZERO evidence of that. He REPEATEDLY claims that the CorRenew laxative removes “toxins and chemicals” from your body. This is absolute bullshit. I have repeatedly requested by email ANY studies that have to prove any of these wild claims and they refuse to respond.

In fact, ALL “cleanses” and “detoxes” are absolute, unmitigated bullshit. Of this, there is no question or doubt in the scientific realm.

The midget makes up a fake problem then offers a fake solution. This is the very definition of a scum bag and a snake oil salesman. Look up “huckster” in the dictionary, and you should see a photo of the scumbag Jeremy Fouts there staring you in the face.

Never ONCE does Meatball Fouts utter the words “exercise” or “proper nutrition” or “see your doctor before taking our snake oil” or “get a complete blood workup” or ANYTHING a normal person would do if they were serious about improving their health.

Anybody who believes a word this slime ball says has a pea brain.