Remember two years ago when a lot of morons were losing their minds over Covid and were trying desperately to prevent a return to normal in-person learning?

Your son was terrified because of YOUR stupidity, Veronica! Nice job.

As usual, the ridiculous hysteria was generated by mostly middle-aged, dim-witted liberal females…plus Bruce Haywood:

City council member and art teacher Cathy “Pork Chop” Kuehne even informed everyone at a City council meeting:
“Personally, besides doing City council, I’m a teacher…and I put myself at risk every day”
Such bravery! Such fortitude! Such nonsense!!

Ah yes. That “deadly plague” that was indistinguishable from allergies. The poor woman.
Well, there is now yet ANOTHER massive study that shows what the “conspiracy theory nuts” were saying all along:
Kids Almost Never Transmitted COVID In Schools; Major New Study Finds
Children almost never passed Covid infections in school, a study published Friday reveals.
In fall 2021, in four Massachusetts school districts with 18,000 children, researchers found 44 potential cases of in-school transmission.
You read that right.
18,000 students. 34 schools. Four months. And 44 Covid infections – including no infections of teachers or other staff members.
Throughout 2020 and 2021, as parents pressed with increasing urgency to reopen classrooms, teachers unions and Democratic politicians warned in-school Covid transmission would lead to waves of death. “Teachers are so worried about returning to school that they’re preparing wills,” CNN infamously wrote on July 16, 2020.
In reality, schools were among the safest possible places for students and teachers during Covid, this study suggests.
Of course, I will NEVER be satisfied until Fauci is in jail or hanging from a rope (with Walensky swinging right next to him) AND until every moron in town who thought letting kids sit home in pajamas and “learn” on an iPad Zoom meeting gets locked into some stockades for an entire weekend on the town square so the rest of us can throw rotten tomatoes at them.
There needs to be a reckoning, because the damage these idiots did was FAR too great to let them slink off into the weeds like the weasels they are.
Never forget who the Covid cult nuts and Covid rats were: Bruce Haywood, Clayton Tucker, Julie Cain Landrum, Karen Spivey-Cummings, Stephanie “Potato Head” Fitzharris, Lee Morley, Lola Barnes, Jennifer Sanchez (Moreno), Melissa “Crazy Cane Lady” Johnson, Heath Bishop (aka Hubert Humperdink), Cathy Kuehne.