This Hysterical Dame Should Have Her Kids Taken Away

I can’t even tell you how mad this article made me. If you want to know the result of a year of fear propaganda and what it was done to people who are supposedly educated then read this awful piece. The neurosis and fear is almost too much to stomach.

Hysterical Dame Freaks Out Over Nothing

Speaking of idiot parents…..

Out of 5.8 million students in Texas, we still have about HALF still at home and remote learning!

We’ve also been informed that even if these remote learning kids fail the STAAR test in the younger grades, they “can move up to the next grade”.

Yes, you read that correctly. If your kid is actually going to school, working hard and learning so they can master skills and move up to the next grade, they are complete suckers and saps because the moron kid who stayed home in his pajamas and who failed the STAAR test will ALSO be moved up to the next grade.

It must be so awesome to work in the government school system. You get huge raises like “Doctor” Chane Rascoe (now getting $170,000 per year nine months PLUS huge benefits), you get more money thrown at you all the time just by uttering “it’s for the kids”, but you are also not held accountable for the kids actually learning anything.

I guess letting the failures move up to the next grade just like the kids who worked hard will teach the hard-working kids a valuable lesson: in America, the laziest and dumbest people get to the top these days. There is zero point in taking responsibility or working hard because The Powers That Be (usually in the government) are going to fuck you anyways. May as well just become a cart donkey like Bruce Haywood and other libtards.

Why pull the cart when everyone else is sitting in it and getting a free ride?

Idiots Like Bruce Haywood Are Going To Cost The Rest Of Us A Fortune

Before 2020, if I forced my child to wear a mask every day because I was irrationally terrified of an illness that is 99.999% survivable by children, I would have been rightfully accused of child abuse in the form of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

Bruce doesn’t care HOW many facts and statistics show he is being completely irrational: he’s keeping his teenaged daughter home this school year, and that’s that, by golly!

Somebody tell Bruce and KAREN KIDS ARE NOT AT RISK!!!!

I’m not sure what clown factory produced Bruce Haywood, but I commend them on their thoroughness. I used to feel sympathy for Bruce’s wife. Now I see it is the daughter who deserves all the pity. The Haywoods are like the Feegans from South Park: that family who wears life jackets 24/7 even when they are nowhere NEAR the water:

Now if Bruce wants to be an irrational wing nut and ruin his daughter’s life, that’s really no skin off my teeth. Go to it Bruce. Keep her home and let her stare at the walls turning her head to mush.

The problem is, that’s not all Bruce wants. He wants SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS to be made for his daughter! The problem is that WE TAXPAYERS are going to get shafted by all the extra costs of this “remote learning” and “personal protection” garbage Bruce insists on. You see, we all need to bend over backwards to accommodate Bruce and his army of fellow nitwits. Bruce doesn’t care if HIS silly incorrect notions cost US a fortune to implement – he doesn’t even pay taxes!! Which makes him a typical liberal: selfish AND hypocritical.

What an asshole. He’s like the guy who is always broke but when it’s time to order pizza for the group, he insists on putting anchovies on it – even though he is contributing nothing from his own wallet.

Perhaps Bruce isn’t worried about his daughter getting sick, but rather he is worried about his daughter bringing it home and killing HIM! That is maybe a rational concern, considering Bruce is morbidly obese. But that is a Bruce Haywood problem that HE created. It is not the fault of the rest of us taxpayers…or his daughter. Besides, that life jacket dirty pacifier mask you wear 24/7 will save you anyways, right Bruce Feegan?

These rabbits who are scared of their own shadows are going to cost the taxpayers a FORTUNE before this is all said and done. ALL FOR NOTHING. They already wrecked the economy. Not satisfied with that, they are now gunning to wreck the school system.

How did it happen that the burden is on me to prove I shouldn’t be placed on house arrest, lose my business, and be forced to wear a mask for a cold virus? It happened because of simpletons like Bruce Haywood.

So, Since the Schools Were Only Open About Six Months This Year, We’ll All Be Seeing a Refund on Property Taxes, Right?

Before all the dummies tell me they are working just as hard at home….save it. They aren’t.

Not only that, public schools have an ENORMOUS number of paper-pusher-parasite types. They fall under “administrators” and they have grown FAR faster than the student body over the decades. As I have discussed before HERE and HERE.

Stuff like….”data processing”, which the Lampasas ISD spent over a MILLION DOLLARS on last year. Seems to me, with no students in school, there is a lot less ‘data’ to ‘process’. This is just one example.

If the LISD manages to spend just as much money this year as they do any other year, I would say that is a massive failure of management and proof this entire system is a scam run for the parasites and not for the kids.

Don’t forget – teachers were given a 7% increase in salaries for next year and the paper-pusher administrators were handed a 5% raise. That is a hell of a lot of money for a system that is making rumblings about not being able to open in the fall for face-to-face teaching. If they DON’T open normally in the fall, those raises should ALL be cancelled and the people in charge should seriously be looking to thin the herd of parasites at the administrative level.

Let’s face it: the under-18 crowd is at VERY low risk of dying of the Wuhan virus – so there is zero excuse to keep kids home from school. Teachers on the other hand….well, let’s just say obesity is a huge factor in Wuhan virus fatality rates and that is a very curable problem. Some of ya’ll have four months to hit that treadmill!