After a YEAR of bullshit and lies, at least ONE Covid Cult member is finally willing to admit the truth:
So when it comes right down to it, you really ARE worried about yourself! Silly me. For a YEAR non-stop I have been listening to Covid Cult mask nazis yammer the same tired phrase to paint themselves as some sort of selfless martyr:
“I don’t wear my mask to protect me…I wear it to protect YOU”
Well, that gum has lost its flavor, hasn’t it? The vaccine is out there. The numbers are plummeting. The Covid “plague” lie served its purpose to steal the election and funnel tens of billions of federal tax dollars to liberal scumbag politicians in New York, Illinois and California. So now we can go back to normal (except for a bunch of weak-minded fools). Anybody who still needs to cling to the face diaper now can no longer tell the lie that the mask is for ME and not for themselves.
I hate to break it to Landrum, but that shitty mask you wear does NOTHING to protect you from anything. The proof is irrefutable:
Oh well. I certainly never accused her of having half a brain to understand all that
P.S. Unsurprisingly, Clayton “Trust Fund” Tucker also falls into the category of fools who tried to paint themselves as heroes for wearing a mask “for others”:
I noticed the following piece of idiocy making the rounds:
The mandatory mask nannies who post this garbage think they are being clever and making a point equating masks to other “minor inconveniences’. In reality, all the are doing is trying to NORMALIZE tyranny. If anything, all the other examples show exactly who HOW FAR the typical American has gone in letting the morons in government trample all over their rights! We all slowly became sheep over the years because of morons like the mask nannies.
If you are holding up the TSA making you take your shoes off as an example of “a reasonable request” then you are an imbecile of the highest order.
Let me dissect each example, if you have the time, dear reader.
No shoes, no shirt, no problem. This kind of falls under the FALSE claim that balloon heads like Bruce Haywood like to make: ‘their business, their rules!‘. They repeat that mantra like a mentally impaired myna bird. It’s not true at all. Just ask the baker who didn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding. Or ask the bar owners in Chicago who want to allow smoking in their establishments. Or ask any biz who couldn’t afford to become ADA compliant (thanks a lot, Bush!). There are a thousand ways the local, state and federal governments have their fingers up your ass when you own a small business. Just ask our local “Lampasas Beer Market” about that.
So no, it ISN’T ‘their business, their rules’ – that is a lie. But when it comes to wearing shoes or shirts in a store, I’m pretty sure that goes to a question of sanitation and human modesty. It’s the same reason we have bathrooms with doors on them and then little stalls inside with more doors. We don’t want people taking a shit in the aisle at The Corner Store. We don’t want to see your hairy ass or your shriveled penis. Or your disgusting filthy feet.
“Wear a seat belt or get a ticket” – the people say “no problem”? I don’t think so. I’m old enough to remember when these mandatory seat belt laws were introduced – and people did NOT say “no problem”. People went berzerk. Just like they did over mandatory helmet laws. As well they should. It’s nobody’s goddamn business if you wear a seat belt or not.
Does wearing a seat belt save lives? I happen to believe it does. I wear one myself. Not because the tyrants tell me to, but because I have seen mountains of evidence (REAL evidence – not made up Covid bullshit mask conjecture) that I have a better chance surviving a wreck if I do. I understand the laws of physics and the unavoidable outcome of a high-speed impact putting my face through a huge piece of glass two feet away. I’d prefer not to have that outcome.
For all those reasons – I wear one. I really don’t give a shit if you wear one or not. The cops don’t either – they just saw a MASSIVE revenue stream untapped. That’s it. Sorry, but it’s true. It’s more nanny state bullshit and it was one tiny step on the path to boiling us frogs.
OSHA says to wear safety goggles. OSHA is an agency in the federal Department of Labor. The federal Department of Labor is unconstitutional and should never have been created (thanks Nixon!). Gee – how did we EVER get along in this country for 200 years without the Department of Labor?? Bunch of useless parasites.
You know who SHOULD care about safety in the workplace? The workers and the business owner. More specifically, whoever INSURES that business. They have a direct financial interest in seeing nobody get hurt. If you want to be an idiot and not wear safety goggles, then the employer has every right to fire your ass for putting his insurance premium at risk. No federal parasites are needed for this all to work – just simple financial incentives. Insurance rates are calculated by very smart nerds called “actuaries”. They use FACTS and DATA to calculate the likelihood of certain outcomes. The mask douche bags do none of that. Their only “evidence” is saying ‘well, it can’t hurt, right?’.
That’s not good enough for me to give up my civil liberties.
You must be seated with a seat belt on and tray up during landing. A couple hundred people crammed into a sardine tin moving 500 miles an hour is a little different than me passing you for 2 seconds at Walmart while I may or may not have a cold virus that you have about a 500,000-1 chance of actually catching during that 2 seconds and even THEN a very small chance of dying from.
In the event of a crash, people need to be able to MOVE QUICKLY to get out. Tray tables in the down position and imbeciles’ bodies strewn all over the aisles prevents that. Quite frankly, I think those rules are ridiculous in the first place, considering the odds of a plane crashing are astronomical. But morons like the illusion of control. Far MORE dangerous, in my opinion, is letting morbidly obese manatees get on the plane in the first place. No way you can move 500 pounds of blubber out of the way when it is between you and the exit aisle.
TSA rules about shoes and belt buckles. Absolute idiocy and bullshit. We all know it. We all KNOW the TSA is populated by cretins who were too stupid to become a real cop and even too stupid to work at the post office.
Including the TSA in this idiotic example only weakens your argument. Because that’s what the mandatory mask police bullshit is: it’s the TSA all over again. I said THREE MONTHS ago that this mask shit will never go away. I said, AND I QUOTE “This will be like taking your shoes off at the airport – a huge pile of useless bullshit with zero benefits”
The only difference is the shoe thing sucks for about 8 minutes a year. The mask thing will suck all day, every day. Forever and ever. We have the moron mask nannies to thank for that.
Thus, the percentage of overall capacity that’s covid is 12.98%. So this would seem to be yet another breathlessly predicted crisis that failed to materialize.
Where are those Chicken Littles shrieking about “hospitals being overrun”? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
You might want to listen to the people who actually run the hospitals – and not some panicked, cherry-picked 27 year old doctor who has to walk back his hysterical comments. This is not their first rodeo – but it IS the first one many of you have watched. Keep that in mind.
I gotta say – if I was one of you screeching about mandatory masks and closing schools and ratting out my neighbors, I would sure be livid about how badly I was just duped. Let me count the ways:
** Washington state last week revised its Covid death numbers downward when it was revealed that anyone who passed away for any reason whatsoever who also had coronavirus was listed as a “Covid-19 death” even if the cause of death had nothing to do with Covid-19.
** In South Carolina, the state health agency admitted that the “spike” in Covid deaths was only the result of delayed reporting of suspected Covid deaths.
90 people in the state of Connecticut were found to actually have been negative for coronavirus after receiving positive tests, MSN reported on Tuesday.
The state’s Department of Public Health said that its state laboratory found a “flaw” in one of its testing systems and that 90 of 144 people who were tested for the virus between June 15 and June 17 received false positive tests. 161 specimens were collected and a total of 91 of those showed false positives.
** Last week in Florida YET ANOTHER scandal emerged when hundreds of Covid test centers reported 100 percent positive results. Obviously this would paint a far grimmer picture of the resurgence of the virus. Orlando Health, for example, reported a positivity rate of 98 percent – a shocking level – but a further investigation revealed a true positivity rate of only 9.4 percent. Those “anomalies” were repeated throughout the state.
** An analysis of reported daily Covid deaths last week compared to actual day-of-death in Houston revealed that the recent “spike” consisted largely of deaths that occurred in April through June. Why delay reporting until now?
We do know that based on this “spike” the Democrat mayor of Houston cancelled the convention of the Texas Republican Party. Mission accomplished?
Doesn’t it seem suspicious that so many states have experienced “delayed” reporting of deaths until Fauci and his gang of “experts” announced that we are in a new nightmare scenario?
** A television station this weekend looked into two highly unusual Covid deaths among victims in their 20s, and when they asked about co-morbidities they were told one victim had none, because his Covid death came in the form of a fatal motorcycle accident.
Feeling stupid yet? I sure would be.
We are facing the greatest assault on our civil liberties in our lifetimes. The virus is real, but the government reaction is political and totalitarian. As it falls apart, will more Americans start fighting for their liberty?
To paraphrase an innumeric meme, let’s explain it for the dumb ones over at Wool & Vine.
STUPID PEOPLE: don’t understand the difference between 2% and .02%. The first one is a made-up, bullshit number. The other is very close to the IFR for ALL who catch Wuhan flu under age 70. They differ by a factor of ONE HUNDRED. So the analogy is already dead. That is simple math.
SMART PEOPLE: know that jellybeans are a luxury and not a necessity. If someone offered me a jar with 17,000 jelly beans and only ONE was a fatal bean (which is more in line with my chances of dying from Wuhan flu), I would STILL refuse it, because that is an idiotic risk to take for the extremely small joy a jellybean brings me.
This is known as cost/benefit (or risk/reward) analysis…and it clearly escapes morons like Julie Landrum, Bruce Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings. It makes them say asinine things like “if it saves just ONE LIFE, we should do it…no matter what we give up in return”.
So the choice offered by this dummy is a false one. The REAL choice is not “do we want the tiny LUXURY of a jellybean in exchange for the small risk of death” but rather “do we want the huge benefit of living our normal lives free and unfettered in exchange for that same small risk”.
To put it accurately in meme form for dummies:
You are offered a choice. You can pick ONE bean from a jar of 17,000. If you survive this 17,000-1 risk, you can go about your life and enjoy it to the fullest completely unfettered. Travel, go to the movies, eat at your favorite restaurants, gather in crowded bars with pals, run your business, make a living, take your kids to the beach and generally live the kick-ass life you had for the last 50 years.
OR, you can be a pussy and pick no beans at all – thus ensuring you have a 100% chance of living (not really though, since 20 OTHER things could kill you, like cancer, strokes and heart attacks) instead of 99.98% chance. BUT if you choose the pussy route, you have to wear a mask, helmet, gloves and hazmat suit every time you leave the house. You must stay cooped in your house 22 hours a day. No traveling. No eating out. No going to the hospital for minor stuff like kidney stones either – that is NON-ESSENTIAL now. No fun of any kind…and dependent on government welfare since your job is destroyed.
Which one would you choose? Lunatics like Julie Cain Landrum and Bruce Haywood choose to climb back into the womb like a baby. Which is sad enough on its face….unfortunately, these idiots want to make that choice FOR YOU TOO!
THAT’S what selfish hypocrites do. Always.
Is Julie Landrum the liberal loon you trust with important life decisions? Or do you think you can handle those decisions best for yourself? I know my answer.
Just look at this nut job pictured above! Unbelievable. Lady, you need to meet up with Bruce “The Manatee” Haywood and Karen Spivey-Cummings and lock yourselves in a plastic bubble while gargling Lysol. It’s the only way to be sure.