Quote of the day, from Clayton Tucker’s interview with liberal fish wrapper Austin American-Statesman from only six months ago. He was asked about sanctuary cities.
Here is what he said about SB 4 [requires local law enforcement to cooperate with the feds and turn over illegal border jumpers who commit crimes – effectively outlawing sanctuary cities]:
[go to 14:45 mark]: “I very much disagree with the intent of that law”….”I would be very much against that bill”….”If Austin wants to be a sanctuary city then let it be”
There you have if, folks. Clayton Tucker is fine with illegals flaunting our laws. He is fine with Austin and other cities being “sanctuary cities”.
Of course, when you have ignorant bleeding hearts like Tucker say things like “This is The Friendship State! If people want to come here for a better life, then let them” (totally ignoring the difference between LEGAL immigration and scumbag border jumpers) you get stuff like this:

Watching Clayton Tucker kiss the ass of liberal dunce Juan Castillo of the American-Statesman editorial board is truly nauseating.
P.S. – Tucker claims it took his grandmother (who was born in England) 26 years to get her citizenship, which he then complained about. I call HUGE bullshit on that. If it took 26 years for an English speaking woman to get her citizenship, it is because of something SHE did wrong. Average time is 2 years or less.
Or maybe Clayton Tucker is telling tall tales once again. Given his history of fibbing, I’d bet on that.