July Sales Tax Numbers Out: Lampasas DOWN 1.18% YoY. Texas Also Down Small.

More indications the economy is stalling and slipping.

Remember, sales tax numbers are NOT adjusted for inflation. So if TRUE inflation is 5% per year and sales tax receipts were STILL down 1%, that means, ceterus paribus, the amount of “stuff” sold dropped more like 6%. I’m guessing there are a few more people living here too (population increase), so the actual number is even slightly worse.

Texas as a state was negative again (two months straight!) at minus 0.18%

Lampasas fared slightly worse that the state as a whole at minus 1.18%. Lampasas now flat on the year for sales tax receipts.

Other cities we follow:

Austin: crushed atDOWN 6.46%! (no surprise, the liberal shit hole run by commies continues to bleed)

Burnet: slightlyUP at +1.41%

Dallas: shooting higherat UP 5.13%

Marble Falls: slightlyDOWN at -1.59%