Another $30,388 Requested For Computers and Servers Ruined in Ransomware Attack – New Total Damage at $36,604

The hits just keep coming! In addition to the $6,216 Monica Can’t-Wright is requesting for new computers wrecked by the recent “minimal impact” ransomware attack, there are even MORE requests to replace ruined equipment.

Only in Lampasas government would the Mayor praise our IT Department with one breath, and in the next breath be approving $36,604 to replace equipment ruined in the attack they allowed.

The Wastewater Department needs a new SCADA computer, since the old one was “compromised in the recent ransomware incident and is not operational” – request for $15,995.00 (page 131)

City Hall servers wrecked in ransomware attack – $14,393.58 (page 125).

Wow. I wonder how many more pieces of expensive equipment were wrecked in this ‘minimal impact’ ransomware attack.

I guess the “hard work” the IT team did was to write up purchase orders for all the equipment they allowed to be wrecked by leaving the city network open to attack. Great job, team!!