Kamabla Finally Releases FIRST Public Economic Idea: Price Controls On Grocery Stores. Communism It Is!

Like every communist before her, Kamabla has moved from blaming the “greedy corporations” to telling us she will impose price controls to “fix” things:


Ask the Soviets how price controls work out.

I’ve also heard her say the same thing about “greedy” landlords.

This should scare the shit out of every American who isn’t braindead and who has even a MINOR understanding of supply and demand. Grocery stores ALREADY run on razor-thin margins of between 1% and 3%. They are not “gouging” anyone. They are passing along the price increases THEY are paying to get their goods in the first place.

Of course, morons like Clayton Tucker and Tina Seefeldt will CHEER this idiocy. Then in a few years when there are shortages, they will stand there slack-jawed and wonder why they can’t get all the stuff they did a year or two ago.

It ALWAYS happens this way. I said EXACTLY this exactly three months ago:

Hell, it’s already starting in our U.S. Congress! After spending like drunken sailors on foreign invaders and welfare, we have seen inflation skyrocket. The communist will never admit THEY are to blame. So they blame “greedy corporations.” You know what comes after that?

Price controls. And the biggest commie retards in Congress are already talking about it:

“Combat Illegal Corporate Behavior” – Dem Lawmakers Urge Biden To Use Executive Action Against High Food Prices 

In other words – they want King Biden, the tyrant, to start dictating food prices. To FORCE producers to sell at a lower price.

You know what comes after that? Massive shortages. Ask Venezuela about those. Pretty soon the shelves are bare are producers can’t make a profit selling at artificially low prices.

Maybe Comrade Clayton and Tina Seefeldt should open a grocery store! Seriously. Comrade Clayton is supposedly a rancher and can provide all the food! He can undercut those who are colluding, and achieve astronomical growth. It’s a no brainer!

Here is the latest report from Albertson’s – does this look “excessive” to you?