The number across the top is the week of the year. As you can see, the ‘over-85’ crowd had it the worst, with the highest risk of dying back between weeks 15 and 21 (basically, the month of April and first two weeks of May). The under 45 crowd never really had a huge worry…and STILL DON’T.
For the ‘under 65’ crowd – which includes school kids, almost all teachers and all parents (unless you gave birth at age 55) the risk is currently extremely low – and was in-line with a normal flu even back through weeks 15 through 20.

It blows my mind that most of the people on Facebook freaking out are YOUNG WOMEN! Your age and gender are the SAFEST from this thing BY FAR, yet you are shrieking the loudest. Unbelievable. I guess that’s what plummeting math standards in the public schools over the last 30 years gets you.
If you are 70 years old and sickly and still a teacher, perhaps it’s time to hang up the cleats. Otherwise, you can very easily see the libs are making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Naturally, there are other factors to consider – for instance, if you let yourself become morbidly obese over the years – but that is your own damn fault, isn’t it?