Brodie Estates – Still Languishing FAR From 22 Houses Agreed Upon FIVE Years Ago. Despite Taking $185,000 In Tax Dollars.

Back in 2019, the City agreed to hand over a huge pile of cash to Brodie Estates in return for “developing” 22 houses on their property….

[OH – and the taxpayers ALSO handed S2M2 $78,783 in 2020 in the form of a forgiven PPP loan. So don’t go blaming this debacle on Covid! Plenty of OTHER builders seemed to be plowing right along during the Covid bullshit.]

Year four?!? We are now WELL into year five!

Then by July of 2022, they had STILL only built THREE houses….

I pointed out last year, that Brodie Estates was in violation of their agreement, in more than one way:

S2M2 (Brodie Estates) Has Been Violating Their Agreement With The City For YEARS. City Has Not Enforced Any Provisions

Here is a pic from yesterday

They are currently building two houses – #9 and #10. Which means that after five years and $185,000 of tax dollars handed over, they STILL have not even made it to the halfway point!

What does the City do about this? Absolutely nothing. Good thing they pay their hack attorney J.C. Brown $7,000 to $10,000 to draw these agreements up so they can be promptly thrown into the garbage can by the other party.
