RINO Scum Rep John Carter Votes AGAINST Amendment To Require Warrant To Spy On Americans In FISA Reauthorization.

My RINO scum Rep Carter does it again! Eyepatch McCain in there too, of course. I sure hope there is a Libertarian on the ballot this November, because there is no way in hell I’ll ever vote for this piece of shit Carter….

Weak-ass sister Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) said she WOULD have voted against FISA reauthorization absent stronger safeguards against warrantless searches on Americans – but she stayed home with the sniffles.

By a tie vote, the amendment to require a warrant to spy on Americans goes down in flames. This is a sad day for America.

RINO scum House Speaker Mike Johnson doesn’t always vote in the House, but he was the tie breaker. He voted against warrants.