That doesn’t think what you think it means.
It means that Comrade Clayton was already slurping on Robert O’Rourke’s left nut and Haywood had the right in HIS mouth. All that was left for Rhonda was the shaft.
From today’s Radiogram:
There was a lot of noise, and when Beto came out and started his usual campaign speech it was surprisingly mute from hecklers. That appeared to be mostly because there was little to heckle. Most of what he said was hard to disagree with, even for the other side. When the event was over, comments we heard were something like: “That was pretty middle of the road” or “That was a very measured speech” etc. At any rate, it was inspirational and a clear victory event for his supporters, and at least a peaceful event for all. The Campaign that started with Beto O’Rourke far in the distance in this reddest of red states, now has him still behind, but only by single digits.
OH really, Rhonda? The other side thinks his stances are hard to disagree with? LOL. OK. More likely, all those fake comments from the article were just the usual voices in your own empty skull as you hobbled around the room trying to get a good position on your knees between the other sycophants.
I imagine most non-Democrats were at work yesterday afternoon, and thus unable to heckle. Parasites like Clayton Tucker and Bruce Haywood don’t have jobs, so they can easily show up in the middle of the day to lick his sack.
With both balls already being tongue washed by Haywood and Tucker, all that was left unsucked was Robert’s mean Irish inch. So: Rhonda got the shaft. Congrats Rhonda Witcher!!

It is hilarious watching these fools get all excited about O’Rourke winning. It is NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. But I bet he lightened your wallet, didn’t he, Comrade Clayton! I’ll bet you Comrade Clayton spent all of his weekly allowance in the donation hat. What a fool.
I’m STILL offering to give any of you clowns 2-1 odds on O’Rourke to win it. That goes for Rhonda Witcher. You can reach me at