Clayton Tucker Resum̩ РLight On Actual Work, Heavy On Bullshit

One of my BIG problems with socialist weasel politicians like Clayton Tucker is that they have zero idea how the real world works. They LOVE to be in charge even though they have no experience doing ANYTHING useful. They have never built or created or run anything in their lives, yet they feel imminently qualified to run around stealing from people who HAVE created and built and then doling out the booty to buy votes and adoration.

Know-nothing kids like this (and AOC and Bernie Sanders, etc) have literally never run ANYTHING yet they demand we hand over the reigns and let them run healthcare or energy policy or education.

I figured I’d better lay out this kid’s sorry work history to back up my claim:

He graduated college in 2013. He likes to present himself as an environmental and energy policy expert based off of (1) a 6-week internship at the NSF when he was 21 years old and (2) a three-month stint at Easen International when he was 20 years old, which frankly looks like a scam website if you go to the link HERE.

With THOSE stellar credentials, why should we ever doubt his genius in the climate science arena??? Jesus, what a sad joke!

So, he has two small and short “internships” and then graduates in 2013. THEN this “international relations” degree holder decides to…um….teach a year of kindergarten in China?

That’s weird, but not exactly impressive. Any moron can teach kindergarten in a foreign country. All they REALLY want is someone to speak English around the kids at a young age…so they can grow up, become fluently bilingual engineering and math wizards and crush countries like ours. We will be easy to crush because we have too many socialist morons like Clayton Tucker trying to run the show here and they are too busy worrying about horseshit like social justice and gender pronouns to bother with basic math and science.

But I digress.

Clayton spent a year there and sang praises about how awesome it was and how well teachers were paid and how awesome/cheap their healthcare is. So, if it was so fucking awesome there, Clayton, why didn’t you stay another 10 years? Why hurry back here to the awful and deplorable US?

Maybe Clayton just wanted to come back here and try to implement some of those commie China ideas as fast as he could? Lol. Who knows.

One thing I DO know is that after that grueling nine months as a kindergarten teacher, he basically never had a steady job again. What the hell did he do in 2013 right after graduating? What did he do in 2016? Take the whole year off? He bounced around a few campaigns, learning the Art of the Mooch, as you can see. Those “jobs” don’t exactly pay well and the only “skill” you learn is lying, bullshitting and pestering people for money.

Well, there WAS that whole 6 month stint in 2017 at “Organic Helicopter” in Austin. A Google search reveals no such business, so no telling what THAT was. Oddly, he was ALSO trying to weasel into a vacant Lampasas City council seat during this very same time frame, according to the Dispatch dated 6/2/17. Sooo….you were living in Lampasas (a requirement of City council) and commuting daily to Organic Helicopter in Austin Texas for 6 months? A business that has no record of existing on the Internet?

Stranger and stranger!

He must have REALLY been tired after that Organic Helicopter job, because he didn’t “work” again for a whole year – he then put in a full FOUR MONTHS of work for the Meg Walsh and Julie Oliver campaigns at the end of 2018. Exhausting! SO exhausting, he took ANOTHER entire year off of work after THAT!

If we add it all up, between his graduation in 2013 and today, he has “worked” about 20 months in the last 8 years….and MOST of that was bumming around on other people’s campaigns.

Look closely at this resumé – it is the wreckage of a loser and a bum. It is the sad history of a kid who has an aversion to work but thinks he should be up at the top bossing REAL businesses and workers around. Weasels like this should NEVER be elected to ANYTHING…be it U.S. Congress or a council seat in a small Texas town.